Weather or not.....

It's starting to rain now, just a light drizzle. They say by tomorrow we are supposed to get the back side of a hurricane. I guess I'll go get the AGT sign before it blows away. If our phone and power goes out and we get blown away I'll call y'all from Kansas and somebody bring Toto.

Too late for the sign it's raining straight down now, we may wash away before the hurricane gets here.
Looks like my Sister (and Mom) are in its center path in Newnan Ga. We are supposed to get heavy rain from this hurricane also. It's rained for the last few days already and with saturated ground and any high wind that might come from this , I suspect some trees coming down.
Yeah it looks like Georgia is gonna get the brunt of it. Susan is in Atlanta so Linda is watching it close---I don't know what she can do about it but she is still watching it.
Starting to get some frost around here. The leaves seem like they are taking forever to change and fall. Some have changed colors like dogwoods and the sycamores. The oaks are brown but a lot of trees haven't even started. Weird.... I will still have to mow at least one more time. figures. I was hoping my last mow would be the last.
Hurricanes........It seems like we are getting a lot of info on the Florida hurricane especially from Desantis. One thing that I have noticed is that I haven't heard anything from the NC Gov on their efforts. What the heck.?
I called Wk and didn't get him but I left a voice mail and he called back. Linda spoke to him and he said he was ok but there was a lot of damage around him. He said some guy with a private helicopter was flying around and taking pictures and the feds were waiting for him when he sat back down and threatened him about flying over the area and putting pictures on the social media stuff. The only thing is I'm guessing is that the democrats don't want the word out that they spent all the money on the illegal aliens and didn't have any money left to help the hurricane victims. I saw a thing yesterday that had an interview with a guy that said he had been there since day one and they had not seen anything of FEMA at all. All the help they had was from citizens from other states and ghe showed a picture of all the cars with different license plates delivering stuff.
Does NC have a democrat governor?
That explains that then. He spent the money for sanctuary cities and didn't have anything left for what it was supposed to be spent on.
Been having frost for a few days now. That will slow this grass growing down. My son did a heavy weed eating and grounds clean up and I mowed a couple days ago. Hopefully that might be the last. I am officially considering that my yard is winterized.
I wish mine was winterized. I cut grass last Thursday and I'm gonna have to cut it again tomorrow. It is going to slow down though because it hasn't rained in almost two weeks. At first I I didn't want rain now we have to plant green fields and I need rain. It's 44 here this morning so it will at least slow the green menace down. Maybe a couple more weeks and I can put the lawn mower up----I hope.
It was 42 here this morning but it feels good. The wind has laid so maybe I can get the 257 sighted in today.
I have so many to sight in I don't know where to start. I can hear them whimpering at night begging to be shot.
Now that is funny. My issue is that I have to drive an hour to shoot mine. There is a public range that far away and it is a hit or miss on who is there. There usually are some young guys there with their ARs and they just love filling a magazine and see how fast they can empty it. Shooting Dads ammo I reckon. Most Wednesdays are pretty good but its hit or miss with the weather or I need to sit with Nina or whatever reason shows up that I cant go. Golden years my ass..................................
I got several more to get sighted in but the way things are going I'm just shooting for one a day, and I'm lucky to get that done. Maybe today the 257 and tomorrow nothing because we are going to have to go set up for the gun show in Hoover. Saturday and Sunday are shot, so I'm shooting for Monday for the 7mm Mag or the 22-250. The problem with that is I have to go frame some on the back of the AGT store, build a shooting house for the hunting club, build a frame for a shooting house for another field, go spread seed on a couple of green fields and fertilize them IF it is gonna rain. Also if I have time I'm gonna take a piss. I may take up drinking again. I didn't get anymore done but I didn't give a shit if it got done or not. Hell, I forgot I got a punkin chunkin 30-30 I got to sight in as well because I can't see well enough to shoot with iron sights anymore. Deer season starts next month and I'm not even sure where the ammo is for all these much less where they hit.