Weather or not.....

It's so hot and humid here we wouldn't know of there was smoke coming in. It looks like the smokey mountains every morning when you can see out of the windows. Every window in the house is fogged up. I hate hot weather. I cut grass yesterday until I almost expired.
It's gotten toasty here too. out working on food plot yesterday, sweat city, Humidity damn near same as temp.....
Hot Shit !! 94, 64 % humidity. Just came in....I'm cooked, Ain't been doing nuthin but cutting grass and tillin food plot. Which means ? Sittin on my arse....Lil cloudy here, and when the suns in ? Taint too bad, sun comes out ? don't take long and you're SMOKED ! Screw it...I'm in for awhile.
Better get that grass mowed Belve. Looks like a lot of rain coming your way. I know how you don't like your grass getting over a 1/2 inch high.
I'm cutting all day today. Just came in to get lunch and then out again. I don't care if the grass gets 3 ft high but the lawn mower does, and I ain't buying another lawn mower. Have you looked at the prices? $2,000 for a cheap one. I looked at one of those fancy zero turn Kabotas and it was $7,000. That ain't happen captain.
You do have different grass down there. I have mostly fescue I guess and after I mow its still 3 inches tall.
We have some centipede at the front of the pasture and I wish I had it all over. The side that had it was completely covered in it when we got the place. I wish I had let it alone. The girls wanted horses and I plowed all the centipede up and planted bahia. That was a mistake. Most hay fields down here have bahia because it grows fast and makes good hay for horses. They want it to grow fast to get at least two maybe three cuttings a year off the fields.
You all dodged a bullet with that hurricane Belve. That thing is dumping some rain.
Damn a bunch of rain and grass. I wish it would all dry up and kill this green pestilence. Rain, cut grass, rain. cut grass. rain, cut grass. Linda said it looked like I was bailing hay yesterday and I haven't gotten even half of it done and have to cut again today.
Finished brush hogging the back 6 this morning AFTER having to put a hose back on that popped off last night. GGGRRRR. Had about 60x150' area left to do. worked till dark. Just got home. LONG day.
It was nice this morning about 6 o'clock but it's up to 84 now and supposed to be in the mid 90's by 1o'clock.
Gonna be in the low 80s this coming week and upper 50s at night. Good break from the heat.
Well, So much for the weather foreskinsters again. Saturday night the weather showed the rain moving off. IT DIDN'T....Was light raining when I left at 5:30, and just got worse as I went.
Learned that in the rain, If you turn on your emergency flashers ? You can still go 75 M.P.H. in the rain........NOT ! ..Don't keep you from ending upside down in the medium with the guard rail posts through your windshield with one most likely planted in your head either....That was in Miss. And they don't drive like they have good sense anyway. Made damn good time considering the conditions. Took a chance and went through Memphis...rain stopped long enough to get through. They've been tearing up the 55 interchange at the Miss. River. Actually made it better, much better, even though it's only one lane north bound. That tells you how screwed up it was. 10 a.m. and the first time I came through without ending up in a frothing rage...However, got into Ark. and they've been working on repaving a section ? for over a year, if not two. What a friggin joke, single lane in either direction, very heavy traffic, raining like hell, 75 m.p.h. speed limit, reduced to 65, and everyone doing 85........Fun City. Made it without any violence inflicted on anyone.
Rained all the way through Mo. Till I got home...And we need it. It's quit. All things considered ? Not a bad trip home. I think all the idiots must have stayed home.
Still can't understand the pack driving mentality...No one around, look in the rearview mirror ? And here comes a pack of vehicles, all doing 20 m.p.h. over the speed limit, and weaving in and out...WTF ??? Learned to get in the right lane, and hope they don't run you down as they go by.
Where the hell is L.E. ??? Drove around 1,200 miles ? 4 states, saw 2 cops, The 4 at the accident don't count, pretty sure that was a fatality accident.
I don't let any moss grow on my ass when driving ? But this shit is nuts !!! A new trend. Wait till you are 3 feet from someones bumper before you change lanes, then just miss clipping the front bumper changing back ??? This when doing 75 m.p.h....Another WTF ??? People drive like SHIT !!
The trip down wasn't bad till I hit Tuscaloosa....Indian word for herd of assholes. All the years I've been driving to Al. ? The highway in Tuscaloosa has been under construction. Like 6 or 7 years. Bypass the shithole, PLEASE !!! If it's raining ? and you give space between the car in front of you? That's a invitation to be cut off. Damn near had an accident, and damn near committed violence on some little shithead. GOT to find a way around that dump.....