Weather or not.....

Other than getting soaked yesterday, all is good. Had to put down the heifer yesterday. Raining nasty day, The whole episode was depressing. I could do without the whole mess. Put it off because of heavy rain, Finally said screw it and went out anyway. Pretty much ruined my day.
Getting soft hearted in my old age.
I have only mowed once so far this year. Doesn't really need it yet. We got down in the 30s a few nights and I think it slowed the growing. Supposed to be in the 80s this coming week so maybe I will have to mow by the end of next week. Gonna be about 70 today.
Cut here 3 times so far. Weathers been hit and miss as far as temps go, but hasn't had a frost since about the first. looks like rain again.
We had three frost this last week. The misses was complaining about having to scrape the windshield of the car.
I just got through mowing HALF of the crap and it's 80 degrees and going up. I am going to wait till this afternoon and try to get the rest of it cut when it cools off a little.
So much for the weather foreskinsters...STILL working it's way here....'s raining. they only missed it by 10 hours
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Gonna be in the 80s all week. Turned the ac on.
You surviving all the tornadoes Krp?
It;s going to be in the low 90's by the end of the week here. So much for the 2 week spring. We go straight into summer.
In the 90s for the next few days. With the feel like temps in the 100s. Grass drying out quick. :) Shouldnt have to mow for a couple weeks now.
it's been 90 here now it's doing the 95 to 100 with the feel like temp at 105. It rains about every other day so the grass is growing faster than we can cut it.
Just had a ripper blown through here, 60+ mph winds. 1 1/2 " rain in about 30 minutes. Yee Haw it was GETTIN it.....All is good...
It's not just hot here it's damn hot. There was some rain north of us yesterday but we didn't get any. The grass in the front yard sounds like rice Krispies when you walk on it. It's topped out over 100 gor the last 4 days. Today is supposed to be a little better. Ruby doesn't even want to go outside.
Weather been weird here..67 this morning, last Friday I think we set a record 62 in the morning. More rainfall than usual. Still cutting grass, normally it's browned out by now. Or at very minimum has really slowed down growing, Spring like weather here. Ain't gonna bitch....
Similar here. Cloudy but not much rain. Temp in the 80s. Grass turning green again. Ugh. Mowing needs to be done in the near future.
Back in the 90s and the smoke from out west fires is rolling in. High humidity also. Gonna be hard to breathe.