Things to share

Southern Cultural Center?? So that's where you got all your culture.
Western VA. talked about joining West Va. just 3 or 4 years ago. We got a Republican Gov. and the talks quit. The West Va. Governor (Jim Justis)was ok with it at the time. Washington State talked about becoming two States a few years back also. This kind of stuff happens more regular than one would think.
You would probably like the SCC, I know Krp would. Their big thing is trying to preserve the old monuments and historical sites and flags and stuff like that. The biggest problem is about 90% of all the folks there were 70 years old or more. They were all talking about "be ready in case Kamela was elected." Be ready for what, a raid on the Geritol plant ? I did got tickled at one ole guy. There was a couple of con men that came in late and slipped in to try to con some of these ole dumbass redknecks ---they thought. One of them walked up to this ole boy that was standing back at the BamaCarry table and asked him "do you want to be rich and make a lot of money" ? The ole bou told him, looked him up and down and said "hell naw, I'm old as hell and I like being por, F%^&K off." The little con man had a really strange look on his face when the ole guy walked off.
I like ole southern boys.
We are all sick up here. Nina, wife and me. I think its COVID or some sort of it. It's been over a week. The wife seems to be getting better. Nina cant remember that she is sick. Me....I feel like crap. How long does this stuff last?
About a week. Phillip, his wife, Jarod, and Emily and Emma all have it. Phillip said Vanessa is getting better but he still feels like hell. He has the headache and hasn't got the energy to get up out of the bed. He said it still isn't as bad as the first go round with it but it's bad enough. He hasn't been able to go by Mama's in the last 5 or 6 days. I haven't talked to him today yet.
I'm not real sure how this thing works. That thing was a trial until I can work it. Matthew put us an account on there. He says we can advertise AGT and forget trying to put an ad on facebook and slip by the gestapo on there. I'm trying, we will see how it goes. We need a tech coordinator, or at least somebody that can read and interpret this stuff.
You do know Tictok is owned by the Chinese. And they track everything on it Just sayin.
This ain't TicTok or whatever it's called it just came from there and was put on this other thing. This is X, and I got it from there and I think it used to be called Twitter and that electric car guy bought this. What's his name ? Elmer Mush or Elenor Muscle or something like that, hell I can't remember all these people.
I can't work Tickle Toker or Pickle Poker or TickerToker or whatever either. The Chinese don't have to follow anything all they got to do is call these dumbasses running things and they will send it to them in an e-mail. I can work email---most of the time.
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I still got this damn bug. It's supposed to be in the 90s this week and I think I will go out and make myself sweat this crap out of me. I will either pass out or get cured. One or the other is gonna happen.
I don't know that I'd do that. When I got the crap I was in the middle of splittong wood. I didn't now what was going on and I thought I just got too hot. Nope I had the eposodie. The Dr said it was a wonder it didn't cause a heat stroke, something about this crap makes you not cool off or something. I don't know what she meant but she said stay out of the heat. On the upside I just talked to Phillip and he is back to feeling pretty good. He said he still feels a little wobbly and his sinus haven't completely cleared up but he feels a damn site better than he did two days ago. Hang in there.
THIS SOB !!! I am so tired of this friggin phone company. If it rains it goes out. If the wind blows it goes out. If the sun is shining it goes out. If the wild Monkey Pox pecker grabbing monkeys attack the village of Mukogombie virgins it goes out. This bastard stays broke more than it stays working.
THIS DAMN PHONE IS OUT AGAIN !!!! It came back on yesterday evening then got up this morning and the SOB is out again. This is without a doubt the sorriest phone system that has EVER been in business. They have a strangle hold on everybody here because the other phone companies won't offer service anywhere CenturyTel has it. If I didn't have to have it for the computer I'd cut the damn thing off.
Internet and cell phone has been out here for 24 hours. Land line was the only thing working in this area. No one knows WTF went down ? Possibly a major tower failure. ALL cell services were down.
Anyways, Been a REAL interesting week...Thought we were done at the lease farm. Moved cattle Saturday. The guy bought the lease farm went and bought his own cattle ? Got them out of the stockyard in Springfield.......I about SHIT !!! He screwed the pooch !!!
These are small 800 .lb weight heifers, in the 3rd trimester, thin, and too small to be bred in my opinion. This guy is nice enough ? But ain't got a friggin clue to what the hell he's doing. The first thing he said to me is he's going to start bag feeding them......And in no uncertain terms I told him he was out of his F!@#$%# MIND !!!! DON'T FRIGGIN DO THAT !! You're gonna have small cows with BIG calves !!!! A breeding nightmare !!! I KNOW FROM MY OWN EXPERIENCE !!!! He ain't gonna listen. period.
THEN !! He decided he didn't want to pay the price for the cow calf pairs that Drew had, bought these little cows, BEFORE the lease expired, they broke a fence, and got in with Drews cows.....A MAJOR screw up. We had to quarantine and sort 14 head out of these squirrely cattle he bought.
While I doing something something else ? The girlfriend of his and Drew's wife got in a serious pissing contest. The girlfriend apparently insinuated that we were trying to take cows that weren't ours.......BAD MOVE !!! We were already on plan P after starting at plan A, The heat was coming up, we were running short on time. Then the gal stands in the WRONG place when trying to get this mess in to sort them. At this point Tasha hollers from a 100 yards away ? GET THE F@#$ OUT OF THE WAY !!! Then shit stared going sideways, The last cow of ours breaks left, another breaks right. I bale off the quad runner and hoof it for the left cow, she breaks for the right one, and stupid gets out of the way. I'm at a dead run, and my pistols flies out of the holster, lands in a fresh pile. I slam on the brakes grab it, and peel out again. All works out in the end, barely. One of the lovely cows he bought charged me, and came about 3 feet from being dead. There were 4 of us, We worked around 50 head and got them moved and shipped to the home ranch, Even with all the delays and plan changes ? We were firing on all 8 cylinders and going 200 mph...
Now mind I knew something had hit the fan ? But didn't know exactly what. A little later the girlfriend starts asking me what the hell is wrong with Tasha ? I ask whatchoo mean ? She says she's kinda snarly. I proceed to tell her we are on plan P, running into the heat, everyone is getting short on bright and sunny disposition. I also tell her that Tasha don't play all sunshine and rainbows, and ain't real talkative from the getgo. She's her fathers daughter.
She proceeds to tell me that she don't want to mess with a Texas girl........I suggest she might not want screw with a Missouri farm girl who grew up on a hog farm, who now runs a tree service with her Dad. You do what ya want ? But ya might wanna pack a lunch. I ain't gonna mess with her. I know better. That must have been enough. Everyone decided to keep their distance. So, without a clue ? I became the on farm diplomat. Ain't that the shit.
Sooo, after all the festivities are over ? Drew comes over and asks if I'm alright ? Huh ? whatchoo mean ? The girls come over and ask the same question ? I ask WTF are you talking about ? Are you feeling alright ? Sure , why ? Well, ALL the shit that went on today ? You never lost your temper or even got pissed off ? ....No time to get pissed off. THEN, they proceed to tell me what the hell went on with the girlfriend.
It hits me that maybe the sun does shine on a dogs ass sometimes. With everything still at stake ? It's better I didn't know.
In the morning we have to move 90 round bales out of the back barn ? And the years of the Hoxworth lease farm are officially over. Both the old folks are gone, The kids couldn't wait till they were gone to sell off the mothers family farm....Been on it since 2017, Good times, Bad times, Everything moves on and changes. Oh well, what the hell. Beautiful place, gonna miss it.
Just got done stuffing 40 .lbs of Brats, It's after 2 in morning, I'm going to bed.............................Fun week.....Not really.
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I have been reading up and studying different guns here lately. It's what I enjoy most. Something kinda has been amazing to me about gun pricing and appreciations through the years. Some guns gain so much more in value than others while some don't. One can take a $100 gun from years ago and today it might be worth over a thousand. And not much of a gun to start with. One in particular I am eventually getting around to is the Weatherby. Years ago I bought a Mark V (1970s) brand new and although it was pricey at that time I just wanted it. Today it is worth about the same as what I paid for it. I have always wondered why the Weatherby's have not increased in value. They are well built and great wood and shoot great. Of course the calibers were proprietary when I bought mine (240 weatherby magnum)and maybe that's one reason. However some guns gain in value and one cant even get ammo for them. I have always been bewildered by this phenomenon. What is it with Weatherby's that they don't gain in value much?
A lot of it depends on caliber and a lot of it depends on hype. The pre 64 Winchester is an example of the caliber and hype. The control feed that was used prior to 1964 was considered and hyped as the very best there was to offer. To tell the truth most of the hunter/shooters that came in the 70's did not know why or how the pre 64 was considered "best." All they knew was the gun writers and Winchester said it was the best so they wanted them and the price went up as they got more rare. Thus the hype. The pre 64 model 70 came in a lot of calibers with 30-06 being the most popular and the most produced so of the pre 64's it was the cheapest. A 257 Roberts was not as popular and not as many of those were produced which made the 257 worth about 200 to 1000 dollars higher that the 30-06. Thus the caliber.
If I make it through today I'm on the downhill slide.Bush hogged Friday and Saturdy ib 90 degree heat and today I'm going to run soffit on my daughters house. I'm so sore I can't move this morning BUT if I can make it today I ain't doing dew dew tomorrow. If the house catches fire I may jusy lay on the couch and watch it burn---after I save the guns.
I have thought about a fire in my house before. What does one do.? I would tell the firemen to just save that room. Heck with the rest of the house. People tell me to get insurance for my guns but some cant be replaced. It would probably cost an arm and leg anyway. I really need to get a log book for them but I cant find one that I like. They probably don't make one that I would like. There are some that will work but I would like one with a pocket to hold pictures along with the description. I will keep looking or I will just make my own.