Things to share

Do it like a scrap book. Take a picture, put a typed description and approximate value, serial number and condition and keep it in a safe.
I have a question concerning the Butler,Penn. Trump shooting that has not been asked. I have thought about it before and I am not implicating a conspiracy theory by no means but the coincidence of it has me thinking. The counter snipers were on another roof...correct?.....two of them...... and they were both facing the same direction towards the building that the shooter was on. Both counter snipers guns were already aimed at that position. BOTH counter snipers. Coincidence?????? Why wouldn't the counter snipers be looking at two different directions and since they were on a pitch of a roof with tripods , wouldn't it take some time to reposition to set up a shot? I don't know.....just seems weird.
They are talking about what happened at Butler on the news since the new report came out and figured I would just bring this up.
The story that one of the counter snipers told after the incident was that he saw the sniper, told his partner who also got the sniper in his sights, informed the FBI leader in charge and was told NOT to engage. When the sniper got off the first round the two counter snipers made him go to room temperature. After the shooting happened the counter sniper and his partner were fired because they fired without approval from the grand pooh bah. That horseshit about the FBI not putting an agent on that roof because it was sloped is crap. At most it was a 4/12 and a blind drunk can walk a 4/12. Besides that there was a video of 7 or 8 people in a trailer park watching the guy go up on the roof and were screaming "HE'S GOT A GUN,HE"S GOT A GUN " at three FBI agents not 30 yards away. This whole damn thing seems fishy.
I heard that was debunked on the firing of the snipers. And so if they were fired ....why wasn't the agent that fired 4 rounds at the golf course shooter fired. Nothing was said about him having to get permission .Orrrrr......we just aren't hearing the real story about any of this.
Last I heard the guy was fired and one was disciplined but now that might not be right either. I had the guys name and had looked him up but that doesn't mean diddley either. You can't believe anything you read or see on tv anymore--except Marshall Dillion, you can believe Marshall Dillion. Chester is still suspect though.
Just finished mowing the yard. I will be the last one for the year.
I just got back from running soffit at Allisons and I wish it was the last time I had to do that but I'll have to go back tomorrow. Slowly but surely I'm getting it. I am slow as smoke rising off dew dew any more working by myself. The damn phone is out again and has been out since yesterday. We got 35 guns on a consignment yesterday and I really need this damn phone to work. Anybody need any Marling lever actions or a Remington 1100 20 guage that looks like new?
I'm not sure what all we have. It is Marlins from as early as the 30's up till about 80's maybe. Got a 1911 that looks like it came from CMP and a German Lugar 9mm with a reblued barrel, some Winchester 22 pumps, a couple of trap door Springfield's a Mosin, a Jap Arisaka just to name a few things. I am not sure. As soon as my back quits hurting me and Linda are going to go down there and start trying to price some of them. I can't get Krp because this damn phone is out again and has been for 2 days. I'll try to get some pictures and a list on here.
You'd get a stiffy with all these then. I'm trying to get the pictures to work but it ain't happening.
Ain't been on much, May have posted this elsewhere. Been working a 3 generation estate sale for about a month, This S.O.B. is BIG ! 2 homes and numerous outbuildings FULL of stuff. At one time the family owned a hardware store and feed store. Implements going back to horse drawn.
Today is SHOWTIME. Going to be a LONG day......Running 2 and a part time 3rd auction ring, A minimum of 17 people working this sale. Not counting volunteers and concession stand help. And family. I've known the man and his wife, last generation, for decades. Good people, and is how I got drawn in.
I'll be glad to see this over...It's been a long rough haul. This is a BIG sale, and I hope we can get it done in 1 day....Yesterday was from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m...... I'm working implement load out. and much is horse drawn. This is going to be a bitch. Have 2 125 HP New Holland tractors for loading, Wanted the Hyster there, But at 12,000 .lbs ? not an option to move.
Also am in charge of parking, This is gonna get ugly. It has been ALL week, people have the brains of a retarded squirrel. Had to threaten several people with removal of their vehicle with the forks on the tractor, and throw it in the creek.
I managed to hold my temper, just barely.....Had a altercation last night when someone moved another persons truck, Guy got a MAJOR case of the ass ? And got his ass run oft. Got rather ugly, An old 90's pickup. and the guy acted like it was getting stolen, second time he had to move it. He kept parking it to where he was blocking the roads for moving items. SOOOO today will probably be a all day fight. There is one way into the yard ? And my short tempered ass will be guarding it.
And if one more person calls me trying to get something on the cheap BEFORE the auction ? They are going to get a major ass chewing.....I've had enough.
Hope I don't end up in jail....
I have been wondering what you have been doing and where you been. Any firearms with this estate sell?
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Not a friggin one. zero zip. nada.....Depressing, and it just ain't right. just walked in the door. I'm friggin beat. What a day, and will still have to load out more tomorrow, then clean up.
It all came out good. Got pissed a couple times, but managed not to lose it. We started at 8...Quit right at dark. EVERYONE busted ass today, and it went pert damn good. I'm beat, I'm done......
We just wa;lked back in from the gun show in Orange beach. I am give the hell out. More tomorrow. Good show.00BB4875-92AC-4CF9-BAA6-4E93C2584965_1_105_c.jpeg
Did you sell all of your new collection? I was hoping to see a list of them. Glad it was a good show.
We didn't sell all of them but we sold several. Sorry about the list. We had a helluva time trying to get everything entered in the A&D book and Krp was doing the pricing and trying to work that auction and Linda was trying to get all the arrangements made for us and BamaCarry to have places to stay and get tables set up. We left on Friday and set up at the show Friday afternoon. We worked the show Saturday and Sunday and then packed everything up and had a meeting with the BamaCarry board and the state representative for that county and the chapter leader and a big supporter Monday morning before we finally got on the road Monday after lunch. We are doing the inventory of everything we took sold and displayed today to make sure we got back with what we took and account for everything. I'll do my best to get a list and some pic's on here of what is left before we pack up and do the show in Hoover next week.