Things to share

Been spending some time on YouTube lately.. ANYONE , in any type of firearms related context ? BOLTING.
Never been on TicTok ? They say it's a cesspool of Fans Only (porn)..And that many of the FO posters are on YouTube has a channel to divert them to TicTok. YouTube keeps screwing around, they aren't going to have anyone left. Most that are on YouTube are already diverting the posts to other venues at the beginning of their vids. THEN ! You see postings from these online porn queens crying they can't find a man??? The friggin worlds gone friggin nuts.
The advertisers on YouTube must be MORONS !!! They pay to run ads ? YouTube tells customers..."Sign up for YouTube Premium, $$ a month, no ads" WTF ??? How the #@$% is that even legal, and who the burning hell would do that ?? But the morons do it.
I know I'm behind the times, no doubt. But watching the crap that women are now doing ? No wonder no one wants to have anything to do with the evil bitches. And they are having a COME APART about the passport bro's going overseas to get wives.
I could go on forever about the pure confrontational garbage being posted ? No use, I'm just glad I live rural, and this crap isn't around here.
There was one video, in a gym. New thing to bait men into looking, then screaming they are a predator. This twat goes to the gym with a PAINTED on outfit, and I mean actual body paint, no clothes, and wants to work out. The manager confronts her ? She starts arguing about her "RIGHTS" being violated. The guy is firm, WAY too nice, the twits are threatening him with this is being videoed. He manages to get the daft twats out of his gym.
Gents, I'd have been in jail, never hit a woman in my life ? I'd have went for broke on the whole bunch. Broken nose, jaw, teeth, arms, and the cell phone would have been deposited up someone's arse.
There is a bright spot however, You see more people coming out against this ignorance. People being total asshats for clicks and likes on social media. What a bunch of buffoons, This crap won't go away, and I can only laugh at 20 years from now, when their kinds are looking at what a total waste of air their parents were when the were young......OOOWWW.
Looks to be posted on by 100% U.S.A. Dumbass.
I can't believe that people will disgrace themselves completely for likes, views, and money. You look at arrest videos ? Take away some of these idjits cell phone ? A total melt down.
The arrest video's are equally disturbing. I've never been real fond of police ? But, There's NO WAY I'd be a cop now. They show vids of cops trying to detain a suspect woman ? They go BAT SHIT crazy !!! And this after1/2 hour of trying to explain what they are being detained for. And looking at the vids ? Anyone can spot they are either under the influence, or have mental health issues. THEN, as the cops are trying to talk to them ? They are talking on the cell phone, or filming the cops, like it's some kind of defense for their own stupidity. And this is after the cops pulled them over for driving on the rims of their truck, after they've blown out the front tires somehow ???
Putting body cams on cops was a damn good idea, for the cops, I had no idea peoples social behavior had deteriorated to this extent. THEN some of the comments are totally LAME ! They think the cops are using excessive force ? After being kicked in the face, spat upon, and wrestling with this moron for 10 minutes ? While the twit is SCREAMING at the top of their lungs the whole time. THEN, They get them in court ? MOST of the charges are dismissed? WTF ??
In most of these vids ? failure to comply, after asking 3 times, should be enforced by pepper spray or a taser. PERIOD.
Then, In the fatal shooting vids ? You are seeing a trend with the cops. When they get fired on ? repeated mag dumps on the perp. And I can't say as I blame them. You see numerous vids where they get called to a scene, and some turd opens up on them. Comes after them with a knife ect. ect. ect.
The whole problem stems from no accountability in the courts. Prisons have now turned into the Motel 6.
When I was young, You got to acting the ass ? You got about 3 lumps on your noggin. If you didn't figure it out ? You were going to get some more. THEN ! IF my old man found out about it ? What the cops did would look like Old Woman garden club morning tea.
Society has lost it's friggin mind.
How did you get on Tic Tok ? I can't even work it, course I haven't tried that hard to get on it.
I didn't and won't, Many of the vids on YouTube are reposts of the garbage on TikTok. YouTube is as low as I'll go. No Facebook, Twatter, TikTok , None of that crap..
After looking at the crap She and the rest of the herd were posting on Facebook ? I joined for about 10 days, and was suspended. That's where the MoHardcase handle came from. I had walked buy She's computer, Had seen a SCREAMING libtard friend of hers post, and replied in my usual subtle way from her account. and Lordy did the shat hit the fan. I had butt hurt their tender feelings. A few tried to get on my case about it ? Told them to go pound sand.
It got into a discussion with a couple libtard thug wanna bees, who were some REAL brainiacs, and after I made them look like the fools they were, threats, blah, blah ,blah ? They then found out who I was through extended family, And a invitation to come on with it ? After talking to the extended family, realized they HAD met me at one time ? And maybe might wanna leave it alone ? Went and told their Facebook Mommy. Facebook in turn wanted proof of who I was ? Told them I didn't give a wet fart what they wanted....End of my Social Media experience...That was years ago.
Sounds like my experience on Facebook. I have been unfriended by most every body. I didn't care.
As far as I've seen ? Bunch of delusional twits living in some world they made up, That bears little or no resemblance to reality. And if you call bullshit ? They start crying and bitchin cause you hurt their precious little feelers..
But then again, That's about everyone these days.
On another note.
Went to buy soybean seed last week. Told them I wanted bin run, non-GMO seed. The asshat proceeds to tell me they have none, and I'll have to sign a waiver stating that I will not collect seed from the plants I grow for seed. WTF !! ?? To which I replied. You have got to be shittin me, Are you f#$%#$@ serious ?? "Yep", Says he....Who the hell pulled THAT stupidity out of their ass says I ? Corporate says he....Corporate are a bunch of morons says I....What do you mean says he.....Once I buy the seed, it's MY property, and I'll do what I want with it, and how the hell you gonna know anyway ?......What are these corporate morons smoking, and who pulled that out of their ass ?...says I........No answer from he..
Told him it doesn't matter, you don't have any seed anyway, or ANY soybeans other than processed.
I don't believe the crap these days.. Who comes up with this shit, and who would put up with it either ? These corporate piss ants have been trying to corner the seed market for decades. What a load of crap.
Last year, went to buy a bag of food plot seed. the previous year ? about $60 for 50# sack...Last year Somewhere around $325 !!?? Asked the girl if the price was right, Yep, it's the right price. "you want a bag" Laughing....Hell no....
I don't have a clue what seed is gonna cost this year but you can bet you r butt it is gonna be high. This crap is gonna keep on until you can't plant a dove field. The last field we planted down around Verbena the game warden came by and asked what we were trying to grow I told him chickens that laid cracked eggs. He said that explained all the cracked corn. Jacob put out some fighting scratch so I guess this year we will raise fighting doves----mean little bastards too. I saw one of them beat the hell out of two crows and a blue jay.
Have some family (wife's) staying with us from Fl. For a week. That's fine I don't mind em. However......Nina is all out of sorts. It is changing her routine and she doesn't like it. Of course she cant remember who they are or why they are here and keeps asking me if she needs to keep her room locked. All I know is that she does not want them here. Even though one is her niece. Kinda funny but kinda not.
We have had Lump here for a week and I'm not sure I know who I am. The child NEVER stops. It's like living with a rabid coon. Papa lets ride the 4 wheeler, Papa lets drive the tractor, Papa lets go play outside and thrown the bumper for Ruby and give the dog a heat stroke. It may be a blessing if Nina doesn't know who they are she won't remember if they get on her nerves.
She and Me had several heated discussions about the grand chilrens. Asked if I'd stay home from work ? HELL NO !! "Take them with you ?" OH F#$@ NO !,
And it turned out for the best, Take one to work with me a day, girls who never had one on one time. Worked out good. They loved the animals, Loved being out and about, and I just kept on with my work. A thousand questions ? But that didn't bother me, they wanted to learn. All 3 girls were really a pleasure to have around mostly. They weren't afraid of work ? But a 8 to 12 year old trying to lift a 50# bag of feed ? Sausage making?/Deer processing ? Thought that was COOL stuff. Never made it to hunt ? But loved shooting....I hope they still get the opportunity.
I'm sure every generation has had issues. There were several that popped up ? Standard answer...My House, My Way. Period. I suspect the major attraction was the lifestyle difference....Rural as opposed to city. Also parenting. Modern parents entertain the children 24/7.
I don't know about anyone else's family ? There were 8 kids in mine, My Ma was a stay at home Ma ? Catholic suburbia, Eat breakfast, go outside and find something to do, Don't be a heathen, be back for find something else to do, till the street lights came on/dinner time.
You had set rules of conduct ? and if you screwed up ? Your buddies Ma would bust yo ass, call ya Ma, and send ya home for another one.
Rain ? Go find something to do in the basement. BE QUIET !!!!............ Different time
We did our kids like that BUT with the grandchild it seems the "lets do everything and go see the circus" way of doing things. Linda puts up with stuff and does stuff with Lump she would have had a fit if our kids were to have tried it.
Well the phone company did it again and I don't know how they did it. Our phone is out when we try to call out or anybody calls in it goes beep-beep beep but the computer works and it's from the same people.
Damn it. We didn't know until Phillip called on my cell last night and said he had been trying to call all day on the land line and it wouldn't work. I've about had it with this phone company. They never have been worth a damn.
Why the hell would anyone read this fantasy. And how the hell can they be able to publish this as anything other than science fiction. Just goes to prove that science and the medical professions are a bunch of whores to be bought by the highest bidder.
And the Media has been pure garbage forever.
This is without a doubt the dumbest damn thing I have ever seen. The biggest problem with all of this is people are aware it's all bullshit but nobody does anything about. That's how these lying "news sources" keep pumping this crap out. GET YOU COVID SHOT !!! It's good for you. Yeah right. I just sat through a 2day yearly meeting of the Southern Cultural Center ( BamaCarry always has a table) and they are actually talking about secession. It's not gonna happen but this is one of the reasons that the subject is even brought up. We are being lied to by every news, research and "factual" publication out there. There is stuff going on now that just 10 years ago I would have thought that if someone had said it to me, they should have been wearing a tin foil hat.