Things to share

Haven't and won't be posting much. Trying to get locked and loaded for the Bama run. Hope I make it without killing anyone or myself. Hope to hit the road Thursday early A.M.
I have a daughter and I just don't think that a boyfriend would be able to sneak in her bed without me finding out. Might have something to do with the color of the crowd.
I kinda wondered that. The hodge podge of events is what I thought was interesting. She found him, he went out, she kept screaming at him. He came back in and the Moms boyfriend got involved when the guy cam out of the attic. That wasn't the news that was a Monte Python movie.
I was watching this with them. Thought it was a Jerry Springer episode. WTH ??? Don't know how the reporters kept a straight face.
Whats the actual dates for that gun show in July.Belve? I am going to make arrangements. We have to get sitters and such for my M-in-law. You coming Krp or do you know yet?
July 13-14, 2024
Actually 12-13-14 because we set up on Friday and get to go around and look for deals from other vendors before the great unwashed masses arrive on Saturday
If I was you I'd get here on Wednesday. It's tough to make a drive like that and get up and go again the next day. We usually go up and set up about 12 on Friday and that gives you a chance to go around and look at stuff the other vendors have that set up on Friday. I don't ever leave guns up there on Friday night because it stays open until 9 for the vendors to set up. We get there at 7 on Saturday and put the guns out. The show opens at 9 to the public.
The map says 556 miles. Little over 8 hrs. It will take me longer cause I will have to stop now and then.
Made it back from Ala. ...Just in time to help move off the lease farm. Feller from Texas bought it, and the problems have already started. Miscommunication on who owns what ( never saw this coming...SARC )
It's a bummer man, Spent a lot of good/bad times there, and some great hunting. The feller that bought it ? Pretty much like myself. Leave me alone. Which is to say, yesterday, or the next couple of days, Will be the last times I'll ever be on it.. I can respect that.
I see some trouble coming. Disclosure issues. The more I learn about this sale ? The more I'm certain the son handling this sale is snake shit. Somehow the guy bought it was led to believe EVERYTHING on it, including cows, was included in the sale, The son hired a auction company ? Told them the same thing. RUDE awakening coming. Damn near everything on the place belongs to the guy I worked for. We spent most of yesterday clearing out all the stuff there ? And brother it was hot, and a JOB and a half.
I suspect this may get fugly, and legally fuglier. When you pay 1.9 mil for a place ? All this should have been understood before hand. And for 1.9 ? he got it reasonable. Still a lot of money... Good luck to the feller, He got a beautiful place.
This is gonna be a cluster. Did y'all get everything? I can't believe the numb nuts thought the cows went with it.
To be clear. The property was listed as "A turnkey operation" I don't think that it was being leased for cattle was mentioned, As this progresses I'm finding that the son handling this is pretty much a west coast libtard idjit.
Still have some equipment to move.
The feller buying it is from Texas, and I've got the feeling this is going to end badly. From hearsay, I've hear that he already told the son he's done talking to the P.O.S....For my part I'm laying low, and being quiet, and staying the hell out of it.
The ONLY reason I'm involved is for the girls. The wife has just had surgery, and I'm trying to lighten the load for the ladies. And fellers, these are some formidable ladies. They ain't playing, and are shoulder to shoulder with you when the work starts, to the end of the day. And we all work damn well together. Teaching them what my old granny K told me..."What you don't do with your head ? You'll have to do with your back. Work smart, not hard." And that was one of the top 3 pieces of advice I've been given in my life.
The ladies are trying hard not to get upset. They are ages 16 to 21, and have spent the majority of their lives on or working on this farm. They ain't liking the change that's coming. I've been there 6 or more years, and I've spent a lot of my time there. I'm gonna miss it too.
Hell, It's the only place I've been that I got to go fishing for deer, and caught a 10 point buck. Ain't likely to ever forget that.
I have never heard of such a thing. Just because one buys a farm doesn't mean every blade of grass comes with it so to speak. Unless it was in the contract. The contract will be the key issue here. what is in it will take precedence over everything else. If items weren't listed specifically in the closing documents then the items do not automatically become the buyers. The COWS.......really.......the buyer thinks they are his??? Unless they are in the closing documents specifically....the cows are not his. I bet the lease was mentioned in the docs as well. The buyer and seller would have to agree on the closing docs or the property wouldn't have sold until all agreements were settled.
Do you know the seller good enough to ask and see the closing documents, Krp?
NO ! I've intentionally stayed stayed clear of this screaming libtard for years ! As a rule, my boss ALWAYS told me when these idjits were in town so I could steer clear of them. ANY interaction with them would them would most likely have gotten fugly FAST. I met one of the son in laws once. And it was rather strained. Nice enough guy ? But VERY evident from a short conversation he was a P-whipped wuss. And a rather different guy.. Putting it nicely. From listening to conversations ? All the 4 kids are radical Nazi libtards. And to keep my boss from losing the lease, we all decided to keep me clear of the kids. The parents I got along with fine. The Doc, hardly said crap if he had a mouthfull, and the Mrs. was just a really nice old woman And it was her folks farm that is getting sold. Was in the family for nearly 150 years.... Needless to say ? The kids are NOTHING like their parents.
Have not met the buyer. But from what I hear ? A regular guy who wants to be left alone, And is figuring out he may have been mislead, bigtime !
What I think has gone on here is the son has run his mouth, not having a CLUE to WTF he's talking about. The farm has been under lease for damn near 20 years, most of the equipment being sold off years ago, and the son too stupid and greedy to figure it out.
Didn't bother to tell the auction company this, and they took pics and posted a estate sale of my bosses equipment. I talked with my boss, and advised him to get his shit and run. This is turning into a MAJOR clusterf#$! FAST !! Tomorrow will be REAL interesting, I may have to drive a 2 ton feed truck 3 miles without brakes, with a non-sync. trans.... I've done this before ? Ain't fun. We should be done tomorrow.....
I had to drive a panel truck 50 miles without brakes in the snow one time. It had breaks when I started but lost them in route. It was a 15 speed and I was ever so happy with low 1rst gear.. The experience was still stressful. After you said that about a driving the feed truck reminded me of that day. I was trying to forget it. lol
Sounds like to me this is gonna wind up in a lawsuit between the buyer from Texas and the seller in California. The best thing to do is stay out of it. Get yo shit and split type thing. You know the Miranda rights they always give the folks on tv--"anything you say can and will be used against you in court of law" it happens. I can hear an attorney asking in court "Mr Krupp did you or did you not say that Mr. California was a no good stupid liberal sob? " Krupp answers---" I certainly did NOT your honor !!! I said he was a no good liberal c0K$uc&eR, but I never called him a sob.!!!" With all this transpiring across three states California, Missouri, and Texas somebody is gonna get screwed. I figure Texas has gone to the bank and the bank has loaned money on the equipment as well as the property and out buildings. There may be gun play involved.