Things to share

Double what about those Warthog planes ? I see videos of those things coming in and flying low and lightening up a convoy or stationary target. I know they have a Gatlin Gun, mini gun type set up in the nose. I am assuming they have something that regulates rate of fire besides the pilots finger. Are those 20 mm too? brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrttttt
I only worked on an A10 once and that was just to land it. They have a 30mm gun. Same as the F4 but bigger. The F4 was trigger operated. I can only assume the A10 was the same. Even the bombs and missiles were trigger operated. It was all how one would set up to fire whatever munition.
If you noticed in that vid of the A10 they only held the trigger for about a second. After that short of period one is past the target anyway. They even had different type of bullets for the 20mm and the 30mm. It wasn't just lead flying. Some rounds were like grenades. Pierce through a tank and then explode a couple seconds later. White phosphorus was used a lot for rounds like that. The F4 had a nose gun too and we could load 4 more pods so that meant it carried 5 gatling guns along with 4 Aim 9 missiles. The A10 was capable of this also. While the F4 was used for air to ground and also air to air,....the A10 was more for air to ground. It would carry more bombs for the ground as it wasn't really built for air to air combat.
FINALLY.......I was able to pick up my NEF and Rem 30s. I am totally pleased with my years long search with the rem 30. I would rate it 96%. Unbelievable.
The NEF?.......I am thinking of putting a scope on it and I am thinking maybe a compact straight 6 power. Maybe set it up for about 75 to 80 yards.
I've got a Mossberg 500 here in the shop that the guy wanted me to swap the stock from the 500A to the Maverick in the Guess The Gun thread. Ok not a huge undertaking except apparently a previous owner stripped one of the screws that was holding the recoil pad and spacer on the stock. Not a problem, I can fix a stripped screw hole. The major problem is that I can only assume THIS PERSON WAS AN IDIOT. They had glued to recoil pad to the spacer and the spacer to the stock with what looks like liquid Nail. I am here to tell you that cussing does not remove liquid nail. If it did the spacer and the recoil pad would both be off the gun and sitting at attention with their screws at attention. I may have to repaint the walls in the container where the safes are. I may have melted the lock mechanisms in both safes and I do believe I killed two small wren's that were trying to nest in the soffit on the AGT International headquarters. I got it off with minute damage to the stock and one small nick in the spacer that will sand out. I do believe I have dented my 4 pound beater and a 18 inch spud wrench that I acquired from an irate Ironworker who threw it at me right after I dunked his loud mouthed ass in a settling pond at a paper mill right before I locked the crane down and left the job site. My next step in the stock swap on this magnificent specimen of firearm technology is going to be to get the retaining screw that holds the stock to the receiver and has the one type screw head that was developed to give all of mankind an aneurysm. Yes, you guessed it, a slot head screw torqued down to 1500 ft lbs and a slot depth of 1/ 10000000000. Hell it's probably glued in too.
Too funny but not funny. Been there done that. If I could offer some advice on the long flat head screw holding the stock on the action......I took a 10 inch +or - shaft (large)screwdriver and squared the tip. Most screwdrivers have a little round at each corner and if you square it sharply it will grab the slot head screw better. If its so tight that you just cant get it out..........I have actually drilled the head off the screw and then you just pull the stock off. Of course you would have to get a new screw. But you probably know this already.
I may have to do that. It damn sure don't want to turn loose. I'm considering going to get an 18 inch 1/4 inch ratchet extension put a gun tool screwdriver bit in it ,and put the bit in an impact driver and see it that will knock the sob loose. If all else fails I may jut cut the stock with a sawzall and call the guy that brought this aggravating thing over here and tell him to get the asshole that glued the spacer and pad on to glue the stock on the Maverick.
IF the screw driver has a square shaft, Use a crescent wrench to gain torque, round shaft, vise grips. I've used a 1/4" drive long extension, with a slotted impact drive head, and a 1/4" breaker bar. The 1/4" dive, by far works best. It helps center the bit in that long dark hole.
I've seen stocks, that the bit was between the wood and the screw head, instead of in the slot, horsed on it, split out the side of the stock. IT'S EASY TO DO !!!!
The feller just wanted to make sure the recoil pad stated put ? No good deed goes un-punished. I ought to know.
Went to cut a tree off a fence, The great big ass cherry tree, landed dead nuts on a T-post. drove it in the ground till I guess it hit rock, bent the post some, and drove it god knows how far into the tree trunk.....Fortunately, I spotted it BEFORE I cut into the tree and hit the T-post. The trunk is about 16" diameter at that point. Did some tricky cutting, and now have a 12"x16" diameter wood cut, 2 1/2' off the ground, mounted on a T-post.
Completely new and different situation.....
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What a $%^@@! Day. Got a call early this morning. Heifer started calving for the first time.....STUCK...And I mean this sucker was stuck Chuck !!
The oldest girl Grace, and myself got some OB chains and handles. Feet were showing, faced the correct direction. (not a breach birth) Head had started at the same time as feet, That ain't gonna work. Put the chains on the feet, Pushed the head back. Knew the calf was dead, The the feet in the correct position ? Log jam....Now I ain't the man I used to be ? But after 10 minutes of all out pulling ? Didn't take a vet to figure out This bassard was just too frigging big for this heifers size. Sent the Mom after a fetal extractor.
Mom comes back with one a the neighbors and his daughter...He's big, his 21 year old daughter is bigger. Me and Grace on one leg, those 2 on the other.....PUUULLLL... Very little movement. This went on for 20 or so minutes....Extractor time.....An extractor...Is a fairly brutal contraption..Kinda a cross between a farm jack and a come along...Won't spit it out ? winch it out..... Last resort to me.......WEEELLL.....Another 20 minutes on the extractor, and almost snapping the shaft in half, We got the calf half out, It's hip hung, the extractor ain't gonna cut it. Time to get brutal.....
Used a 1 ton 4WD to get it the rest of the way out. Haltered the heiffy to a tree, and let er rip. FINALLY it came out. The heiffy is still alive ? But I fear she's hip sprung, And it's a matter of time before she'll have to be put down. I don't think she'll ever be able to get to her feet. Seen this before.
We did everything we can to help her survive this.
Well, Doing this job, Sometimes ain't just a hole helluva lot of fun. When this shat comes up ? If you get the calf and cow both alive and well ? It's one of the best days you can have. A 50/50 like today ? It's pert bittersweet, You did all you can do. Loose em both ? Pert much just SUCKS ! A loser all around, and with this one today ? It may take a couple days before you even know it's a loser, Then you have to put down a defenseless animal.
Ain't nature grand.
Screw it, I'm calling it a day. TIRED and SORE...I'm too old for this shit...
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Pulling a calf ain't fun for the cow or you or the calf. A lot of the time the calf is past caring. The most awful thing I had to participate in was cutting one out once. The vet cut it into pieces and handed the pieces to me and another guy that was helping. Talking about gag a maggot !!!! The cow lived but I don't know how.
Done 2 of those. once, with a vet. the girl weighed 98 pounds soaking wet, carrying a 20pound weight. and once by myself. The one I did by myself, Didn't need a saw. Went to pull it ? The leg just came off, both of them. The rest fortunately came out in one piece. Both animals lived. How, I don't know. How I didn't puke was an amazement. Not really, 3 or 4 Halls cough drops will kill ALOTTA stench. Neat trick for a stinking situation.
Then, Had to give the cow a douche. No kidding, Some of the shit I've had to do over the years.....
Well, I did sleep good, now I'm starting to lock up....bad.
That's one of Bootchie's favorite backyard pose's. Laying in the grass, in the sun, all is right in his world.
Picked up a 12g full choke NEF at a local gun shop. Looks like it has never been fired. Another song and dance purchase. I mean.....Why not?
A warning....The one I owned with a 2 3/4" Turkey load ? Recoiled like a MONSTER !! Even with the stock leaded.
And it was chambered for 3 1/2 ".......Yeah right. You know that was never fired.