New Ones

Oregon guns has it on GA. I put $810 on it when it was at $550. That didn't last 5 minutes. It has 12 more days on it. I suspect it will go over 3 grand. Has all paperwork and even the keys to the case also. These have the vent rib.Not sure about the 2 inch barrel.

Just looked on GB. 7 or 8 sets for auction with an average price of about $2500. Some had all accessories and some didn't.
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"Special purpose, and wonder if price justifies use."
I agree with you 100% Krp. But wouldn't that be true with a lot of guns. I have some that are used all the time. I have others that wont see the light of day. There are regular shooters out there and some even get plumb wore out. I have plenty to shoot. Some of mine are more for investment and not really meant to shoot , at least by me. Nothing wrong with that. If I only had nothing but regular shooters then I wouldn't need but 5 or 6 guns. Some are just not as easily obtainable and were meant to relinquish in pristine shape. The next guy can make them regular shooters if they want to and I don't care. It's theirs at that point. Some that are hard to find (in good shape) are gonna cost you. However , one should be able to get his money back with a profit down the road.
I would love to have one of these DW sets just to let it lay around for about 10 years and see what they go for then. In 10 years, no telling what someone would give for it with all the original accessories. My Dad threw away all the boxes that his guns came in, my Dan Wesson being one of them. You know as well as me that this small matter of a box and any paperwork increases the guns value some.
I am not trying to bust your chops here but some items I aquire I never intend to shoot. I have the work horses for that. So special purpose or not basically all guns have a special purpose. some to shoot and some not. Some to play with and some for investment. Some are even considered works of art that we don't see this day and time. Anyway , just saying.
All I know is ? Both of the pistols the guy had, The D. Wesson and the Colt ? Were a friggin nightmare to appraise. The Wesson Co. has been bought at least twice since it started. The original pistols had subtle variations on the barrels that affected value, And SCOF had the pricing ALL screwed up.
Pricing over all 3 owners of the company was the same, And I KNOW that's bullshit.
The Colt ? All I know was it was a factory nickel, presentation grade, and worth a shitload. Colt wasn't even sure about it's history. The feller may have had a very valuable pistol if he'd had the history of the pistol.
All this research took a shitload of time, With no real value being able to be placed on either pistol. The D. Wesson was a rarer variation because of the barrel contour, and I never found another for sale exactly like it.
Had it been me ? I would have held on to both pistols. I could not find a exact pistol of either model on the net anywhere, and you can bet your ass I looked. Of the 2 ? The Colt was a friggin NIGHTMARE. There are several variations, With the differences being which way the frame checkering was placed. Where the barrel was measured from, All sorts of silly shit. It got to be mind boggling. I did learn one thing ? SCREW COLT !!
Double, You ain't busting my chops, I agree with you, I do the same thing...I've got a $3300 rifle sitting here that will never get shot, among others. When you buy high $$ firearms ? You just take a bigger risk that they will appreciate in value over time. Some do, Some are already at the value limit.
The $3300 Zanardini I bought ? I STILL don't know it's actual value. BUT ! From what I've researched ? It's the Italian version of a Holland & Holland. Hand made custom rifle. And I've still to find one for sale exactly like it. The ones I've found ? Lead me to believe it's worth MUCH more than what I've paid for it. Who the hell knows. The feller said it was his Dad's, and he bought it in Germany sometime around 1980 he thought.
All I know is the build is wonderful, Near a piece of art as you can get, without being gaudy.....
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What it boils down to is that any gun is only worth what somebody will pay for it. Appraisals can only go so far. I remember you researched the hell out of those two items and came up dry. It's not like there is a book out there that gives you an items worth on any and every variation of every firearm. Some were built by the employees themself and are one of a kind. How can one put a price on it.? The "Blue book" doesn't hardly mean squat anymore. If someone really wants an item then they will pay twice what it is worth. They don't care. However that hurts the actual worth price of items in the future. And if you really think about it....the ones with deep pockets are the ones making these gun auctions work as well as they do because they will pay more than what an item is worth. Money is no object. Then they get tired of their toy and sell it for even more money than they overpaid for it and everyone thinks its worth that even though it isn't. Gun sales then become kinda like golf...a rich mans sport. An appraisal is kinda of a starting point for a value of an item but not necessarily what the sell price will be. I see guns on auction sites for months being relisted and relisted again and again and never get sold. The price never changes. why don't they lower the price a little to what someone might buy it if they really want to sell it? Maybe the seller doesn't care if an item sets on the shelf for months on end. I don't know. Of course some guns do take time to sell but a lot don't just because they are either asking more than what its worth or no one really wants that particular gun.
If I go in a gun store and they have the same inventory month after month I will get bored. I wont go twice a week and just stop in every 2 or 3 weeks.
I am sitting here with Nina and bored out of my mind so therefore the rambling. Hell, I don't know what I am trying to say at this point. LOL
What did we price the one that the guy brought to AGT? That was a nice one especially with the full under lug barrel.
I got the Holosun put on my Ruger 57. The mount worked great from Outer impact. I want to shoot it now but that might be this weekend. I really like it so far.
I like mine, the Leupold Delta Point Pro. I got mine on my Canik. It takes a little getting use to but after you get used to it it's easier to acquire a target quick.
Here is a thing I stumbled across. Maybe good maybe not but I can't say I really disagree with the guy.
I agree with this video. Specifically for carry guns. However I don't mind novelty guns. They weren't meant to carry anyway. Unusual guns make good conversation pieces no matter how negative the talk. There are great guns to carry and great guns just to talk about.