Gone too soon


Staff member
My Wifes first cousin passed away today out of the blue with a heart attack. He was 56. The next few days are gonna be tough.
Going to another funeral today. A friend of mine Dad died. 87 years old. Had some health issues and got pneumonia. I know the whole family at this point and he will be missed. At one time he was the game warden in the county I live in. Actually got a gobbler this spring while hunting. A good man.
Another one. An older friend of mine that passed about 3 years ago, brother passed. I worked with him years ago on a couple of remodel jobs of mine. Seems like I am going to a visitation or funeral every other week. Not a lively summer for sure. Just makes me wonder who is next.
This feller was a hoot and when he was with his brother, a double hoot. It's amazing the memories that come alive when someone dies. He will be missed.
Damn, Sorry to hear this. Seems to come in bunches. It's sometimes seems it's all there is to your social life..Atleast mine anyway....The golden years my old wrinkled busted up ass.
I thought I would let y'all know that Jared's ( Phillip's son in law and my nieces husband) father passed away day before yesterday. The man had dementia and then developed esophageal cancer so he was in pretty bad shape. I think y'all met Jared at the dove shoot.
Thats what my Brother had, esophageal cancer. Dementia on top of that? May he rest in peace now.
Lost my oldest sister yesterday. 74 years old. She had surgery for spinal cancer 5 or 6 years ago. Paralyzed from the chest down. Shit situation all the way around. She's been miserable since the surgery. Everything went to crap after the surgery. Her husband died while she was in rehab.
I'm glad her suffering is over. R.I.P. sis.
This one of those situations that makes you wonder what God is thinking. My Sis lived by the rules. Lived her whole life by the book, No vices, A duplicate of my Ma in just about every way. A working R.N. and mother of 3 sons. She lived for her family.
Sorry for your loss Krp. It always feels like something is missing when losing a family member. Peace be with her.
Another phase in this life. She was the last remaining family member that I'd speak to unless forced. KNEW when my youngest sister called another shit show was in the works.
Right until the end she tried to repair the shit show my family had become.