USPS Shipping fiasco


Staff member
Well the good ole USPS is at it again......LOST RIFLE....this is a real surprise. Shipped4/1 from NY...Then to MA.....THEN to MN. ??? WTF ?? Then to IO. Then to KC MO. then to KC KS......Left KC KS on 4/6 ? MIA...ZIP.... How the hell is St. Paul MN. anywhere near on the way to MO. from NY ????
THEN...I get a email from another shipper he's sent a pistol USPS after specifically telling him NOT TO SHIP USPS !!!!
This going to cause T&C changes on the auction. As the buyer pays the shipping ? But has little or no control or options on a claim. As the buyer does not OWN the firearm until the completion of the 4473 ? This is not the buyers responsibility.
Weeellll...It's supposed to be in Belle.....Don't trust it? but thats the story...5 days to get from KC to here...Takes 5 HOURS...Tops....Went to post office the other day...Supposed to open at 8:30 ? 8:50...they still weren't open. Cute blond came out of the back. Saved a ugly scene. Told her I wanted a trace on the package, 24 hours later, got a call saying it was on the way...???? No shit Sherlock ? It's been on the way for 5 friggin days !!
Did a end run and went to the USPS site, filed a lost package claim. NOW, get this. the FFL has to go pick it up because USPS DOES NOT deliver in the city of Belle.......Nothing to no one....You have to rent a P.O. box ??? WTF ???? AAARRRGG
I ordered an item out of Greenville S.C. Tracking says it was in Charlotte NC. Next tracking now says its in New York. WTH, Why would this package go from SC to NY and then back down to Va.? USPS has lost their minds. They have been in business forever and they don't know how to do it yet. Give me a break. Their logistics suck. AND they are raising the price of stamps to 74 cents. Their shipping sucks but they want more money for everything. Stupid.
Made a raid on the FFL yesterday. 3 rifles were there. The U.S. traveler made it. The U.S. traveler is a 1930 FN manufactured Greek 1930 Mauser 98.
Someone drilled and tapped it, forged the bolt for a scope, and jeweled the bolt. All matching.
That someone took about a $1500+ rifle and made it worth $500. But then again, Who would have thought that $40 rifle would have been worth a buttload of money 70 years later.
Thanks to the seller, it made it in good shape. Wonderful packing job. Just wish people would use colored tape on clear bubble wrap. Looked like I was doing emergency surgery on a bubble wrapped leg.
Yesterdays haul was 2 M-98's and a Steven's Model 200 in 270. I'm just happy they all made it, in one piece....
I hope my rem 30 makes it ok. He said he took stock off and packaged good. Of course tracking from Texas (USPS) says will arrive late. Don't know where it is. Supposed to be here yesterday. We will see.
I have a package coming from Greenwood SC. It has gone to Charlotte NC. to New York then back down to Danville, Virginia. No telling where it will end up next.
My Rem 30 should be here today from Texas.
Good Luck with that. Had a pistol SUPPOSED to be here Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday.....Still isn't here, and is stuck somewhere in the Kansas City Twilight Zone.....AGAIN...This time they didn't send it all over the Midwest.....Yet.. Still can't seem to get it to Columbia Mo
Well Hell, It's delivered, No other tracking....Delivered. Must have been too much effort to run the tracking since Thursday.
New rule for USPS...If it takes 5 hours to drive a package to it's destination ? WE ARE THE USPS !!! EXPECT IT IN 5 DAYS !!!! maybe, but don't hold your breath.
Now my package is in Greensboro N.C. I might get it tomorrow. Unless it ends up in the Missouri abiss. It's been through 6 states to go 6 hours. Crazy
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I saw a thing on the news this morning that said Ole Window Licker wants to give the post office a Gabillionzillon dollars for some reason. I just heard the tail end of it but the congressman that was questioning the guy asked if there had any evidence of mismanagement. The post office guy said " Well maybe a little but we are getting it sorted out and we should get it under control if we get this funding." WHAT??? We screwed up and went broke but if you give us more money we can keep from going broke and piss away another pile of money is what he should have said.
USPS has tracking but it is not used by all pick ups or the different delivery stops on the way. Their tracking is bs. My package is finally in Roanoke so it should be delivered tomorrow. From S.C. to N.Y. back to N.C. and up to Va. TWO WEEKS. geez
I have another package coming from Kansas. It started out with UPS. It made it to Butler NC in no time. Being a small package I guess UPS gave it to USPS. I have no clue where it is now. The tracking just stopped.
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What the h$$$ Started in Kansas City, went to Rocheport MO, Then to NC., then Richmond VA. THen in Roanoke Va. then to Radford Va , then Daleville Va.(where I am) . Now its back in Radford Va. (1 hour away). Good grief.....what the hell can they screw up next?
Moving Through Network
Processing at USPS Facility
April 24, 2024, 7:43 am

Arrived at USPS Facility
April 24, 2024, 6:16 am

Arrived at Post Office
April 24, 2024, 5:35 am
Departed USPS Regional Facility
April 24, 2024, 4:57 am
Arrived at USPS Regional Destination Facility
April 23, 2024, 3:42 pm
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
April 21, 2024, 12:19 pm
Departed Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
BUTNER, NC 27509
April 20, 2024, 12:46 pm
Picked Up By Shipping Partner, USPS Awaiting Item
April 18, 2024, 11:53 pm
Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
April 18, 2024, 8:30 pm
Don't despair. I saw where bubblehead had proposed a 225 million ( or was it billion, can't remember) additional to their budget. They said it would make them more efficient and make service better. My question is what the hell did they do with all the other money that was supposed to make them more efficient and have better service? Maybe they are going to buy all the employees a Road Atlas at Walmart.
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So now the item went back down to Greensboro NC and back to Roanoke and is supposed to be in Daleville now out for delivery. Good grief. So what I am understanding....if UPS has a letter size package, they will hand it off to USPS and they get them to deliver the package. All was good with UPS and as soon as USPS got the package it got screwed up. USPS is raising the price of stamps AGAIN also with crappier service.
With USPS ? I've come to an understanding. The more time sensitive a package is ? It's guaranteed that USPS will F@#$ up the delivery as badly as is humanly possible. And it's only getting worse.
Sooner or later, it's going to come to light, that some serious corrupt activities and or incompetence is behind this. Myself, I lean toward corruption.
Any firearms that are shipped to me anymore ? I try my best to make sure they aren't shipped USPS.
IF UPS has ANY sense at all ? They'll quit handing off packages to USPS. The same thing has happened to me. Raise hell with UPS. As raising hell with USPS is pointless. NO accountability. Good customer service with USPS is them ACTING like they give a s#!+.
USPS is a government job, overseen by government employees and directed by government appointees, why would you expect anything less?
Because I'm PAYING for this service. That being said, If they can't do the job. Fire them and get someone who will. Get the government out of it. All the government does, holds it to a lower standard.
USPS has been in service longer than UPS, FED EX or any other service combined. USPS should be able to train these other companies on how to do it. At this point UPS is running circles around USPS. Isolated happenings will happen now and then but with USPS its regular. Par for the course. Almost protocol.
I am hoping my scope base via USPS will be here today. Been over a week from MO.My scope is coming by UPS and will probably get here first from Fl. Been two days.