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My Sister called in Ga.. Apparently my Mom isnt doing too well. She is 91 with dementia and a heart condition. She also lives in a nursing home. She is under Hospice right now. My Sister told me if I wanted to see her alive one more time to come down and do so. I am going to try and do that this weekend. Maybe she will hang on until then.
I am kind of strapped here with my M-in-law and it takes time to line up sitters and make arrangements. Imagine being torn between two elderly women and wanting to do right by all. I am not sure my Mom even remembers me. That's ok, I understand staying with my M-in-law with dementia. Memory is irrelevant. It's quality of life that matters and I am afraid that my Moms quality of life has been difficult and is going down hill quick. It's probably time to accept reality for what end of life is. I will keep you all informed.
Prayers from here and along the road home. Tough place to be in, you can only do the best you can do, Hang tough my friend.
So sorry to hear this double. Prayers from here and you know anything that comes up and I can help just say the word.
I am back from Ga. Apparently a miscommunication with medicine took Mom down a dark road. She was plumd out of it. They fixed the medicine issue and she was somewhat aware but still not with it. She doesn't know who I am anymore. My Daughter (42) from a previous marriage went with me and Mom didn't know who she was either. Mom is 91 with heavy set in dementia. I understand why she doesn't know me and that part doesn't bother me too much because I do understand why. At this point she is just existing. I don't know how much longer she will hang on but its just a matter of quality of life at this point. She is wheel chair bound at this point and I think its just a matter of time before she is bed ridden for good. It is what it is and its just a part of life that we all will go through. I wont be going back to Ga. because it wont help the situation if I go. She is in good hands down there and as long as she is comfortable that is fine by me. My Sister lives down there along with a lot of cousins. It's not like she doesn't ever have visitors and Mom has plenty of help, thank goodness.
I have my hands full with Nina my M-ln-law and my Brothers wife just got diagnosed with a front lobe dementia. She is already in terrible shape. She doesn't have a clue about anything anymore. My daughter told me that her Mom (my ex) has cognitive decline as well. My whole family is dealing with these same issues so at least we can relate with each other about these conditions. Kind of the first time that we can agree on anything. Most of my family lean left (except my Daughter, thanks to me) and its hard to relate on anything. I don't dare bring up politics unless they start it because someone would probably get hurt. And it wont be me.
I know this is getting long but I don't mind telling you guys and it helps to get this stuff off my chest. Now I am back home with the hum drum of sitting with Nina.
Man I hate to hear this for your part Double. And have to agree with your thought process on handling the situation. This is a very rough situation to be in, and a bunch of drama and trauma sure as hell won't help anything. I'll be keeping ya all in my thoughts and prayers, and iffn ya need to talk ? You know how to find me. Anytime. Hand tough my friend.
It's tough. Mama still remembers me and Linda but she has a really tough time remembering the kids names and which one belongs to who. The grand kids and great grand kids --forget it. Physically she is ok, or as good as can be expected. Mentally she isn't out in left field she is plumb out of the stadium and out in the parking lot. I love her but she is just sitting there lost without Daddy and waiting to die. I think she has just given up. Anything at all I can do to help double just say the word.
I’m sorry I didn’t respond sooner Charlie. Having just lost my mom this past December I can relate to your pain and will keep your family in prayer