Backyard deer


Staff member
I think my two 6 points and 4 pointer are back from last year. They were in my backyard just now and have already started their new horns which of course are in velvet. They are about 10 inches long with a nub on top. I didn't see the usual 4th one which I am assuming to be last years 8 point. I don't know if he will be around this year or not. Time will tell.
Maybe don't wanna hang around with them little punks. Found a COOL group to hang with.
On another note. Looks like the lease farm has sold. As soon as the Mrs. died ? UP FOR SALE !
And get THIS ! They buried Mom and Dads ashes in the backyard, And sold it ??? What The Fook ??? There's a graveyard, 2 hundred yards from the house ......Now you know why I stay as far as possible from these Fooktards as I can. This property has been in the Mrs. family since the early 1800's. And it was never advertised on the open market. Some feller from Texas bought it. I'll miss hunting and working the cows there ? But WTF ...Life changes. I have the certain feeling that by the time I get back from Ala. This will be a full blown cluster fook.
Had a conversation with the girls about hunting this evening. Even with the lease farm gone, They still wanna hunt. It's a dirty shame this place is now history. BEAUTIFUL farm, Laid out near perfect. WTH
Not me. House, 2 BIG hay barns, 2 other out buildings, 600+acres = I suspect around 3 mil. I don't have that kinda money.
I haven't seen didly for the last month or so, Know they've been around by tracks in the food plot. All of a sudden they are everywhere. Damn near smoked one tonight on the way home. Bucks ,does ,little uns, big uns, their everywhere.....WTF
Here it is y'all come on down. It appears that we are allowed 3 bucks this year ( yeah right) and 72 does. You have to text or call or something and report yourself everytime you shoot one.

They did the same here, We are now a CWD county. = slaughter time. I don't know if I'm buying any of this. I think they are trying to cover the fact that there are too many does? And the majority of hunting is for horns only.
With the state getting into processors business, The high processing prices, I can understand why hunters are shooting bucks only. Most won't eat the meat anyway.
Last year I noticed a slight spike in headless deer in the ditches on the gravel back roads.
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I've got to get me some kind of camera.Deer are in the yard all night and the dog is losing her mind every time the alarm goes off. This damn pear tree has go to go too. It's like Disney Land all night long, coons, possums, deer, armadillos. I keep expecting to see garden gnomes and elves next.
Throw some moth balls (ammonia) under the pear tree. That will deter most animals.
I tried pouring out some liquid ammonia and it didn't seem to have a whole lot of effect. I was kinda scared to put out the moth balls because I was afraid this crazy dog would eat one. This pear tree is just a mess but she won't let me cut it down. She use to make pear preserves with the pears but doesn't anymore. There is no reason to keep the stinking thing. The pears fall off and rot and yellow jackets and bees and every varmint in the whole world comes in at night and sets off the driveway alarm.
Who knows? She eats sticks, paper, bugs, lizards, carpet, and pretty much everything animate or inanimate it doesn't matter. I figure she would try it just to see if it was edible or not.
Went for the evening drive, One day came on a soybean field. there must have been 40 deer in it, 37 of them bucks, and 20 of then 8+ points, with some MONSTERS included. Deer were scarce for awhile, Now they are everywhere.
This is why I'm putting in soybeans and corn. Already planted Hen scratch, which is a combination of seed. From it I've got a good stand of milo/millet or whatever, making seed heads
Dug a hole for mineral (loose) and molasses (dried loose) pour in mineral, top off with powdered molasses, cover lightly with dirt. This works. Have tried blocks ? Dumb bassards will wait till the rain dissolves it ? Then eat the dirt ??????
I get the block that looks like a rock. It wont dissolve in the rain but will last a long time. Everything licks and nibbles on it. Even the dove's. Ground hogs, squirrels, and other critters. I put it on an old stump and the ground hogs eat the stump for the minerals. The stump is almost ready to pull out now.
I have a nice 8 point hanging around that is a shooter. Probably wont see him in Nov. I am trying to get pics. I need to put out the trail cam.
I've tried about everything at one time or the other. Did the research, and it all comes down to the ingredients that are in basic cattle mineral + molasses. You might even add a tad of rock salt if so inclined. What it all boils down to, When whatever you are putting it on ? When the salt or mineral soaks in it ? They eat it. whatever it is. Natures way. Diet and minerals are what makes big racks, plus genetics. The molasses is only a attractant.
The 9 and 10 point on my wall ? For years I culled the scrub bucks, and old dominant does, The dominant does is a crap shoot, you just shoot big uns....Only when you can observe them feeding for awhile will you get an idea of the dominant herd doe. The problem with shooting dominant does ? They are most likely throwing twins or triplets in the spring.
Managed to get the soybeans down....
I just put my trail cam out. I will leave it a week and see what comes up. I will post pics.
I got about 3 or 4 old Moultre cameras. I don't even know if they work anymore. I'd like to get. couple that sends the pictures to my phone, ever how that works. What kind do you have double ?