Backyard deer

Just got done putting 15 .lbs of jerky meat in marinate. Last day of season. Gonna go see iffn I can smoke a deer with the 284. This may be a mistake. Ammo is untried...Hornady SST's....Handloads. Shoot REAL accurate ? But that don't mean anything. If set up works like I think ? It'll be 225 to 250 yards......Guess I'll find out. Fixin to head out. Prefer not to get close to dark before shooting......
That was a waste of time. Didn't see spit, and damn near froze my toes off...Found out something I didn't know. The Dakota heater don't work for shit in idle....WTF ???....Drive it ? It'll burn you out. That's a new one on me...
I haven’t even bought a license this year. My hunting buddy decided he wasn’t hunting anymore and I don’t care to go hunting by myself and really don’t have any land or lease to hunt on anymore
Know the feeling. I don't have any problems as far as places to hunt ? But just really wasn't gung-ho this year. Got about 300 .lbs of meat to work up in the freezer ? So I really saw no need to blast a deer. This is the first year since I can remember, that I didn't get a deer during regular season.
Only hunted a 1/4 of what I normally do.
The only reason I hunted at all, was to see how the 284 Win. caliber/ loads would work. Excellent on paper ? But that's not hunting. I have several caliber/load combinations I still need to test hunting. Most are 25, 6.5, 7mm calibers. 250 Sav. 257 Rob. 25-06. 284. 358. to name a few of the new builds that are untried for deer hunting...I've become a big fan of the Hornady Round nose Interlock bullets. I'm thinking the 117 grain may be the deer bomb I'm looking for. With the light recoil of the 257 and 250, May be able to make a fairly light hunting rifle.
I need to spend more time on the range firing the new builds, and quit building. The biggest problem has been the friggin wind ! It's been bad here, and I'm not wasting time and ammo components bucking windy conditions.
What it boils down to ? Too many irons in the fire at once, Spend today cutting splitting wood. This will be priority for the next week. WAY behind.
If I could get this damn pin out of my foot I would go more. I have only been 3 times and I have to have an assistant. I can hop to and from the stand but if I shoot one getting the thing out is gonna be a problem. Today I wanted to go buy Linda had to have some things at the Dr done so we spent all day at the Dr's. If I spent as much time hunting as I do at a Dr's office i could feed three states of homeless immigrant midgets from the Congo.
You better stay off that foot as much as possible till it heals. Or at least stay off roofs
I am not sure I could hunt by myself anymore. My legs are about gone. I am going to the Doctor today to discuss knee replacements and maybe a hip. I am also over weight and since I smoke, my breathing is getting laborious. I am not even figuring my age. I need to quit smoking and get back in shape somewhat or I am just slowly killing myself. Babysitting Nina doesn't help much. I end up sitting around all day which makes everything worse. I am not trying to be Debbie downer here but something needs to change for my own welfare. I do enjoy other peoples deer stories.
I would be the old guy in deer camp waiting for the youngins coming back from their hunt carrying their deer and getting it hung up. All while drinking a beer in celebration. (maybe a shot of scotch). I can remember those days and I was the youngin. The older guys spitting out questions like....why did you gut it like that?.....why didn't you cut his nuts off?.......Did you carry him out in your pocket, its so small? Need help? I'll go and find somebody to help. You get the jist.
I need to find a farm close by where maybe get a hunting lease and get a couple of guys to go in with me. I think I have a few more hunts in me before I hang my boots up. The want to is there but my body is telling me to f@$ off.
Anyway, go get em guys.
I'm going to try agin tomorrow if the weather permits. There is a front coming in and if the rain and sleet hold off I am going to give it a shot. I wanted to go today but I have a BamaCarry meeting tonight.
Double. You need to adjust your hunting style. I don't do much walking anymore...Hunt from the truck. From distance, and it works. But, you have to do more work for food plot.
I plant food plot on the edges of cleared/pastures. Deer really don't like to come out in the open. Get back 200 yards from the area hunted, and sniper them.
I park the truck, drivers side to the area I'm hunting. Get out and sit passengers side. ( interior lights and alarms don't come on on the passengers side) The bed has a hard cover on it, When I see the deer, get out passengers side and shoot off the bed cover with a bi-pod.
I've noticed that the farther away you are ? Makes it more likely to get a second or even a third shot off. They can't figure out where it's coming from. But then again, the farther off you are ? The more shots you may need.
I agree. That's why I said I need to find a farm to hunt on. Most of my hunting has been mountain hunting and I just cant do that anymore. "you got to know your limitations". Trouble is around here most of the farms are already taken or the owners don't want any hunters. Maybe they will feel sorry for this old man and let me hunt a few more years. This spring I think I will search one out and see what they say.

"the farther off you are ? The more shots you may need." just need one good un. ;)
I was kinda concerned about shooting a deer with this 25-06 and these damn California bullets I mistakenly sighted the gun with. No more. I hit that doe at about 125 yds and the California bullets killed her grave yard dead where she stood. I am kinda pissed at Hornady though. The first attempt I had a misfire. It wasn't a light primer strike, it was just a dud. The wind was blowing and the deer didn't hear me work the bolt on the Savage to get another round in but if it had I was going to send a less that complimentary letter to Hornady. I like this gun. I bet them liberal assholes built the bullets to just shoot every other time to protect bambi's.
She has already done that. Since I'm hopping on one foot she took the truck around in the back yard and backed it up to the popular tree that has the gambrel in it and skinned it and deboned it and has the meat in the refrigerator down stairs letting it age before she finishes processing it. It will stay in the fridge for 4 or 5 days and drain and then she will finish it up. I got to get the grinder up from downstairs---and if I can't get it up the stairs on one foot she will do that.
She is perfect--until I piss her off then she turns into the wicked witch of the west. She can make good biscuits though.
Man I’d love too, I have taken some grebat naps leaning against a tree or in a tree stand. Problem round here is the ground is so flat you near about have no choice than to be in a raised stand