2nd Amendment updates

This ain't no big deal. This is a ding dong in bed with the Montgomery Sheriff. It's a nuisance bill filed for publicity. The guy doing it is a transplanted yankee attorney that inherited some land down here and stayed. They changed the district lines so a democrat could win the Montgomery district.

In a speech streamed on his Facebook page, Kenyatte Hassell thanked his family and said he hoped to help people in his time in the House.

Kenyatte Hassell won election to the
Thats all good ? But there should be some qualification for running for office. Otherwise you get window lickers like this. Seems the cities are full of em. The only qualification is how much silly crap comes out of their pie hole.
There were qualifications for office. He owned property and lived in Montgomery county and he paid the filing fee and he had the correct skin tone. Automatic democrat and election in either Montgomery, Mobile or Birmingham.

Edit---and Selma


BamaCarry Inc. | News | by BamaCarry Inc.

The Second Amendment as written and ratified: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The Second Amendment, as applied by US Federal Judge John W. Broomes of the Kansas District: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, t [T]he right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

From the top of Broomes’ ruling on Wednesday tossing out a gun possession charge:

This matter is before the court on Defendant’s motion to dismiss based on Second Amendment grounds. (Doc. 26.) A response and a reply have been filed (Docs. 28, 29), and the court held a hearing to establish additional facts about the weapons charged. The motion is thus ripe for review. The court finds that the Second Amendment applies to the weapons charged because they are “bearable arms” within the original meaning of the amendment. The court further finds that the government has failed to establish that this nation’s history of gun regulation justifies the application of 18 U.S.C. § 922(o) to Defendant. The court therefore grants the motion to dismiss.
And just what were the weapons in question that were charged?

I. Background
Defendant Tamori Morgan is charged with two counts of possessing a machinegun [sic throughout] in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(o). (Doc. 1.) Specifically, Defendant is charged with possessing an Anderson Manufacturing, model AM-15 .300 caliber machinegun and a machinegun conversion device. It was established at the hearing that the conversion device is a so-called “Glock switch” which allows a Glock, model 33, .357 SIG caliber firearm to fire as an automatic weapon.
Making machine guns great again. Wonderful.

Just as the Alito-authored Dobbs spawned a host of ugly laws, regulations, and ripple effects across the country, the Thomas-authored Bruen is now doing the same. Welcome to the Federalist Society Judicial System.

Elections matter, people. Elections matter a lot.
Basically that the ATF overstepped their bounds outlawing Glock switches, aka machine guns according to a federal judge. This is going to be interesting when it gets to the SCOTUS.

FBI Document Leak: Gun Owners Are Violent Extremists

BamaCarry Inc. | News | by BamaCarry Inc.

Lawyer Stephan Stamboulieh on X (formerly Twitter) released more documents from the FBI’s symbol guide. This list seems to be an updated list of those previously released to the public. At the same time AmmoLand News received the same print outs.

The new terms added in this edition are “molon labe,” “prepping,” and “Second Amendment(2A).” The FBI says these terms can be signs of violent militia extremism. The document also says militia violent extremists (MVEs) might regard “red flag” laws, aka extreme risk protection orders (ERPOs,) as unconstitutional, but it isn’t just MVEs that think that. Many legal experts and civil libertarians openly oppose ERPOs for the lack of due process. Several lawsuits have been filed challenging such laws, and members of Congress have spoken out against “red flag” laws. The rest of the document is like the previous documents covered by AmmoLand News, including the term “oath breaker.” Oath breaker references someone who took an oath to defend the Constitution but has ignored their oath to enforce unconstitutional laws. In Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court ruled that unconstitutional laws are void. Some people believe it is the duty of someone who swore an oath to protect the rights of the citizens has a duty not to enforce such laws.

Another symbol of “concern” to the FBI is anyone posting the meme of the “Killdozer.” The “Killdozer” meme has gained popularity over the years after a Colorado man named Marvin Heemeyer up-armored a bulldozer. Mr. Heemeyer believed that the city of Graby conspired against him. He would demolish several buildings in the city before taking his own life after the bulldozer got stuck. He would kill himself with a gunshot to the head. Flags and shirts are sold mirroring the Gadsden flag, but instead of having a rattlesnake with the words “Don’t Tread on Me” below, the flag has the “Killdozer” and the words “Tread on Them.” Although most take it as a joke, the FBI takes it seriously.

Patriot Political Prisoners (P3) is another term mentioned in the document. Many consider those arrested for the January 6, 2022, Capitol riots to be political prisoners, believing they have been held too long without the speedy trial promised by our Constitution. The FBI seems to think anyone who has concerns about the holding of the suspects might be a violent militant extremist.

According to the FBI, anyone who practices preparedness and is a “prepper” might be an MVE—using terms such as bug out might put you on the FBI’s radar. Many people have bug out plans for the unexpected, such as a natural disaster. Also, using Sh*t Hits the Fan (SHFT) might lead to scrutiny from the FBI. The term has been around for decades, but now the FBI considers it a possible sign of an MVE.

The FBI is scared that the term “Come and Take It” might be a sign of a willingness to resist gun control violently, even though it has been used throughout the centuries from the ancient Greeks to the Alamo. Many gun rights organizations have also used the phrase to show their willingness to fight back against unconstitutional gun control through the court system.

The updated list shows that the FBI is still targeting right-leaning individuals as targets for surveillance.
So, If you agree with the constitution, as written, and not the FBI's interpretation, You are an extremist, and a danger, to the FBI. And of course everyone, with leftist leaning views.
You are exactly correct. The government is not running anything. These damn agencies are making up the rules and calling them laws.
The issue is that the Govt. agencies are full of Democrats. Republicans don't normally get Govt. jobs. They don't want to be surrounded with all that liberalism. Schools being included in this thought. More demo's hold govt. jobs than conservatives.
Yeah, I watched it this morning. It explained pretty good on what's going on. It will be interesting to see what happens with it. Maybe we can all get machine guns now. (maybe)
I hope so. I'm putting all my change into a jar so I can get a mini gun and an M60 "the pig" and a BAR. I think I will mount them on the roof of my truck. DAMN I hate I sold the Bronco. That would be a perfect place for a mini gun. Talk about open carry----HOT DAMN BOYS !!! I wonder if we can buy a tank after this gets ruled on. Wait, wait as long as I'm wishing I want an M2 as well.
parachute mines ? That's the most evil sounding fart I've ever heard. That's one badass butt.
You talk about not knowing whether to shit, go blind or wind your watch that would do it. You can't stay in the tank because they shoot you up, you can't run because of the parachute anti personnel, and you can't get under the tank because they blow it up. When you hear those things coming you just bend over backward and kiss your ass good bye.
Here is a $^#^&**%Y ---never mind what he is but this is his opinion. I never in my life thought this would happen in Alabama. Maybe we can secede again.

West Alabama DA wants to ban semi-automatic weapons, ammunition

BamaCarry Inc. | News | by BamaCarry Inc.

The District Attorney for Bibb, Dallas, Hale, Perry and Wilcox Counties took to social media following the deaths of two young people in Dallas County.

“The news of two more young people losing their lives over the past week in Dallas County is disheartening,” District Attorney Robert Turner, Jr. stated. “One to an accident on a playing field and the other to gun violence.”

Turner offered condolences to the families and said he wanted to ban civilians from having semi-automatic weapons and ammunition to stop gun violence.

“There have been meetings held that were long overdue involving community stakeholders on last Thursday and Friday about proactive steps that need to be taken to combat the recent surge of violent criminal activity amongst teens,” he continued.

Turner said, at the very least, he would like to see testing, licensing or background checks for those who own semi-automatic weapons. He added that more parents need to be arrested when they are responsible for their children’s criminal activity.

He suggested a 9 p.m. curfew for juveniles during the week and a 10 p.m. curfew on the weekends. Turner also said the anonymous tip feature with Crimestoppers should be used more often.

Turner said he made the list after hearing from schools, law enforcement and city and county officials.

As San Francisco’s district attorney, Kamala Harris helped enact a gun law allowing police to visit a legal gun owner’s home and monitor their gun storage situation.

Harris told reporters in May 2007:

We’re going to require responsible behaviors among everybody in the community, and just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your Then-San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom signed the bill into law a few months later.

The officials included “other gun control provisions, including a new requirement for legal gun distributors to submit an inventory to the chief of police every six months, and a ban on possessing guns – even legally – in public housing.”

Newsom boasted: “San Francisco now has the strictest anti-gun laws in the county.”Harris described the legislation:

During the May 2007 press conference discussing the safe-storage bill, Harris said the new measure was about legislating “our values” in an attempt to “encourage certain kinds of behavior.”

“When we create laws, it’s not only about creating an opportunity, if you will, to prosecute someone for committing a crime, but more importantly, when we legislate our values, it’s about trying to encourage certain types of behavior,” she said at the time.
At the debate, Harris claimed she owned guns to sound more moderate about gun policies despite previously saying her “values have not changed.”
In 2019, during her brief presidential run, Harris called mandatory gun buybacks a “good idea.”

We’ve seen her VP and personal X accounts call for a ban on “assault weapons,” which we know is code for non-handguns.

I dare her to even try to take my AR. As a handicapped woman, the AR is perfect.

Actually, it’s a perfect gun for any female. It’s light with little recoil, allowing for perfect aim and precision shooting.
Well here we go again. Linda and I have a meeting with NAGR today to discuss this. I can't get then damn link to work. The link at the bottom works for now try that, but here is Linda's reply that was in the article.

Click on the above article to get BamaCarry's response.
First let me say that BamaCarry wishes to extend our heartfelt sympathy and offers prayers to the families and friends of the victims of the recent heinous act in Birmingham. We feel HB26 is redundant. HB26 is trying to make something illegal that is already illegal. Fully automatic firearms have been illegal since 1934 (NFA ,) and more laws added in 1968 (GCA,) and again in 1986 (FOPA.) We don’t need more laws saying the same thing. A switch is a device that allows a semi-automatic pistol to function as a fully automatic firearm. The ATF considers a “Glock” switch to be a machine gun by itself. This law will do nothing to prevent or curb violence in our state. The ones using these devices are already criminals simply by the fact that the devices are in their possession. Criminals do not obey laws.”

May be an image of text that says '7:38 Post Taylor D. Rhodes @TaylorDRhodes2A BREAKING: ljust received intel that Alabama's ten largest cities are meeting in the coming days to discuss REPEALING Alabama's Constitutional Carry law along with discussing other anti-gun measures, such as banning dangerous triggers. Call Republican Leadership and DEMAND they do not take the anti-gun bait! Kay Ivey (334) 242-7100 Greg Reed 庭 (334) 261-0842 Nathaniel Ledbetter (334) 261-0505 #alpolitics Post your reply'

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