2nd Amendment updates

25 I think, the AG's have joined in a suit but so far no hearing or restraining order has been issued. I'm not sure who or what filed the suit or where it was filed at right now. The suit in Texas is just enforceable in Texas. The suit that the AG's have joined is still sitting in limbo as far as I know. I think it was filed in another court or maybe they are trying to move the Texas case to a court that covers the whole country. I hope so, if not it's just grandstanding by the AG's in the states joining. Alabama has added their name to the suit as well. Pretty much every southern state has. Tennessee and Arkansas may not have because those two AG's can't read. Both of them attended that other school on the other side of the state, I read somewhere.
Yeah they got a federal judge to vacate the rule they then got a ruling from the SCOTUS declaring that the ATF had overstepped AND it only took six years. The next thing is this damn everybody is a dealer crap. More on that later. Linda and BamaCarry are looking into getting Alabama getting a judge to do the same thing Texas and several others have done declaring it null and void in each state while they wait until the SCOTUS gets up off it's ass.
A federal judge has issued a preliminary injunction blocking the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) from enforcing its new firearms business licensing rules against a limited set of plaintiffs challenging the regulation.
On April 10, the ATF announced U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland had approved a final rule, expanding the definition of firearms-related business activity to include a broader range of transfers and transactions.

On Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, issued an order barring the ATF from enforcing its firearms business licensing against members of Gun Owners of America (GOA), the Tennessee Firearms Association (TFA), the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL), and residents of Texas, Utah, Mississippi, and Louisiana.
I don't know about this. I don't think the SCOTUS needs to rule in favor of anything that prohibits the ownership of a gun. The constitution doesn't say "shall not be infringed unless you have a domestic dispute charge." On the other hand if it is a LEGITIMATE charge, and the person is beating their spouse and kids, then that person should not have access to anything that causes harm. Does this mean that if a woman files a domestic abuse claim against her husband because her attorney says she should, just to get more money in a settlement and the guy never raised a hand to her then she should be the one and the attorney with her go to jail? This thing works the other way as well. If it is a legitimate claim and the guy files a domestic abuse against the woman because she filed one against him, then that leaves the woman no way to protect herself and he is free to come back and finish the job with a ball bat. A restraining order is just a piece of paper and calling the cops is a joke. A person has the right to self defense.
Thats what I was thinking. Kind of like red flag laws. I can get a restraining order on my neighbor with no proof of anything. I see abuse of a situation all over this.
Thats what I was thinking. Kind of like red flag laws. I can get a restraining order on my neighbor with no proof of anything. I see abuse of a situation all over this.
That's exactly what is going to happen. I wonder what penalties are in place for abuses of this ? It should be double whatever they did to the falsely accused party.

Minnesota’s Ban on Gun Carry Permits for Young Adults is Unconstitutional, Appeals Court Rules​

18 Jul from BamaCarry Inc.
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Minnesota’s law that bans people ages 18 to 20 from getting permits to carry guns in public is unconstitutional, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday, affirming a lower court decision that concluded the Second Amendment guarantees the rights of young adults to bear arms for self-defense.

“Minnesota has not met its burden to proffer sufficient evidence to rebut the presumption that 18 to 20-year-olds seeking to carry handguns in public for self defense are protected by the right to keep and bear arms,” the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled.

The three-judge panel cited a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision that expanded gun rights in 2022 and a major decision last month that upheld a federal gun control law that is intended to protect victims of domestic violence.

U.S. District Judge Katherine Menendez reluctantly struck down the Minnesota law in March of 2023 but granted the state’s emergency motion for a stay, keeping the ban in place until the state’s appeal could be resolved. Her ruling was an example of how the 2022 Supreme Court case, known as the Bruen decision, upended gun laws nationwide, dividing courts and sowing confusion over what restrictions can remain in force.

The Bruen decision, which was the conservative-led high court’s biggest gun ruling in more than a decade, held that Americans have a right to carry firearms in public for self-defense. And it established a new test for evaluating challenges to gun restrictions, saying courts must now ask whether restrictions are consistent with the country’s “historical tradition of firearm regulation.”

Attorney General Keith Ellison, whose office represented the state in the case, said he was “extremely disappointed” in the ruling.

“This epidemic of gun violence will continue unabated unless we do something about it,” Ellison said in a statement. “Unfortunately, the Supreme Court’s Bruen ruling made that far more difficult by opening the floodgates to litigation from gun advocacy groups looking to undo reasonable safety legislation.. … The people of Minnesota want and deserve solutions that reduce shootings and improve public safety, and today’s ruling only makes that more difficult.”

The state argued to the appeals court that Second Amendment protections should not apply to 18 to-20-year-olds, even if they’re law-abiding, because the states have always had the authority to regulate guns in the hands of irresponsible or dangerous groups of people. The state argued that people under the age of 21 aren’t competent to make responsible decisions about guns, and that they pose a danger to themselves and others as a result.

But the appeals court said the plain text of the Second Amendment does not set an age limit, so ordinary, law-abiding young adults are presumed to be protected. And it said crime statistics provided by the state for the case don’t justify a conclusion that 18 to 20-year-olds who are otherwise eligible for carry permits present an unacceptable risk of danger.

Rob Doar, senior vice president for government affairs of the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus, which sued to overturn the law, said people who hold carry permits are “overwhelmingly law-abiding.” He said Minnesota 18 to-20-year-olds should be able to begin applying for carry permits effective immediately, assuming they meet the same legal requirements as other adults, which include training from a certified instructor and background checks.

Ellison noted that the ruling came down just three days after a 20-year-old in Pennsylvania shot and wounded former President Donald Trump with a gun purchased by his father. Pennsylvania requires applicants for permits to carry concealed firearms to be 21. Open carry is generally allowed everywhere in Pennsylvania except Philadelphia.

This is the mayor of Birmingham, the murder capital of Alabama.​

I support The Constitution and the 2nd amendment but.......​

17 Jul from BamaCarry Inc.
Woodfin, holding AR-15, promises to ‘turn up the heat’ after Birmingham crime spree:

‘That’s a death machine’Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin handled an AR-15 rifle and a Micro Draco handgun in his report to the city council this morning, promising to ‘turn up the heat’ on criminals after a weekend homicide spree in the city.

“This feels and looks like a military weapon for me,” Woodfin said. “Tell me, does it belong on our streets?”

Woodfin was displaying guns used in violence in the city, calling for a crackdown on military-style weapons after a deadly Saturday. In roughly six hours, a man, woman and child were killed in a triple homicide and four died in a mass shooting at a birthday party. Should people be driving around with these?” he said as he held the gun. “Because that’s what they’re doing.”

At one point, Woodfin swung the AR-15 in a way that caused some council members to ask him to not point the weapon in their direction. “Council, I apologize – I didn’t mean to,” Woodfin said. “I’m sorry.”When he picked up the Micro Draco, he said, “Finger’s not on the trigger, everybody,” to calm any nerves. “Nowhere near it.”

He asked Birmingham Police Officer James Skinner, a Marine veteran of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, to discuss the firepower of the weapons. “That’s a death machine,” Skinner said.

Those type guns are not used to hunt animals, Woodfin said. “They’re being used to hunt down people,” he said.

“We had five homicides in the first five days of July,” Woodfin said.

“It’s important not to categorize these homicides as stats and or numbers. These are people who are community residents, who have families. There have been several arrests in those first five.”

One of those shootings was over a dice game, Woodfin said.

“The victim and suspect were actually playing against each other,” he said.

“One of these homicides occurred over an argument, two men who know each other walking down the street, verbal altercation, and both pulled out guns. One of these homicides occurred in an apartment … both the victim and the suspect were together to conduct an illegal transaction. And one of these homicides happened in a front yard and it was captured on video, another occurred as a result of the victim having multiple feuds with others.”We are not victim-blaming at all,” Woodfin said. “We’re compelled to ask questions, questions such as, ‘How do you police destructive behavior?’”

Other questions include how to police transactions in houses or apartments, meet-ups for illegal transactions in public parks, or how to predict a homicide between two people who know each other.

“We are challenging ourselves to have an answer,” he said.

The public may blame city officials and police for matters outside their control, he said. “We received a lot of criticism this weekend,” he said. “We’re doing a lot, and we’ll continue to amplify what we’re doing.”

But the mayor and police aren’t superheroes, he said. “I’m not Batman,” Woodfin said. “Police aren’t Batman.”

State laws need to be reformed to allow police to counter well-armed criminals. “Locally, we don’t have control,” he said. “We don’t put guns in peoples’ hands, and it turns out by law we’re not allowed to take them out of their hand either,” he said, referring to the state’s permit-less carry law. “By state law, we’re not allowed to control guns.”The city previously seized guns when owners didn’t have a permit, he said. “You can drive around with this mini Draco, you don’t need a pistol permit,” he said, while holding the Micro Draco.

Woodfin said the city will be more aggressive collaborating with federal law enforcement “to be extremely aggressive in going after” all crimes, “small things that turn to gun violence,” including credit card scams, auto thefts and gun trafficking.

“What we’ve got to do is turn the heat up on everybody,” Woodfin said.

People need to report houses where illegal drugs are sold, he said. “We will turn the heat up on that house,” he said. “They don’t give a damn about our community.”

In addition to Crimestoppers, citizens can call Birmingham police 205-254-6450 to report drug houses, he said. “Do not be afraid to call that number.”

Birmingham has a jobs plan that helps people find legal employment, he said.

“Workforce opportunity is something we always talk about,” Woodfin said. “But we’ve got a small portion of population who don’t want to work, who just want to be in the streets.”Citizens need to steer clear of drug dealers, he said. “Do not ride with them, do not be in the car with them,” he said.

“People are not protecting women and children in this community like they’re supposed to,” Woodfin said. “It is not safe. The lifestyle you think you may be getting from whoever this person is in drug activity, whether it’s money or clothes or paying your bills, or providing your children with clothes and shoes, it’s not worth it.”

As he held the AR-15, Woodfin stressed that he was not anti-gun.

“I support our Constitution; I believe in the Second Amendment rights, I do,” Woodfin said. “As Americans, we can strike a balance and have common-sense gun laws that prevent the carnage from happening not just in Birmingham but across our nation.”
As far as the Minn. law.......an 18 year old cant buy a pistol...right?......but he is able to carry?.......who's gun is he carrying? I don't care if an 18 year old carries and more power to them but the ownership is kinda confusing.
If it's like Alabama, an 18 year old can buy from an individual but not from an FFL. Person to person is allowed, gift from adult is allowed and gift from family member is allowed. The feds rule is must be 21 to buy handgun from dealer and must be 21 to buy ammo that is handgun ammo. How they tell if it is going in a rifle or handgun, who the hell knows.
SSooo, The Birmingham Mayor's solution is for the cops to do their job ? Novel approach, Can he get the D.A., P.A. and the Judges to back him ???
And keep the thugs in prison ? That ain't gonna happen.
And the backup plan is to offer them jobs they don't want ?? The best part of this twits brains ? Ran down his Momma's leg.
The Anti's whole game is to continue to establish restrictive laws that will only restrict the law abiding citizen, While never enforcing those in effect.
In the end ? only the thugs will have firearms. They don't obey laws.
These delusional S.O.B.'s need to be tarred and feathered, and run out of town. Politicians are buffoons.....
This guy's name ought to be Woodhead...
The B'ham mayor is a double barrel dumbass. He is constantly on TV crying about how we need to control this gun violence----no we don't we need to control his constituents that are doing drive by shootings, killing each other in parking lot and shooting up dey baby Mama's house. EVERY DAY it's on the news. Birmingham has 3-4 sometimes 15 shootings and it's all by the same group. I am so glad they moved the gun show to Hoover and got it out of the ghetto.
Just had a argument with neighbor about Mo's concealed carry law. He was swearing you had to have a permit, I was telling him he's full of shit.....
He's full of shit. People who spread this kind of misinformation are part of our problem.....................
HERE is where I should have posted this.

Yes, Missouri is a constitutional carry state. According to the search results, Missouri became a constitutional carry state in 2017, allowing residents to carry a concealed firearm without a permit or advanced training. The state does not require a concealed carry license or NICS background check while purchasing firearms from private dealers or in gun shows. This means that, as long as an individual is legally entitled to own a firearm in Missouri, they can carry it concealed without a permit.


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Again, LE and the courts not doing their job, So let's restrict the Law Abiding Citizen even more. This turd should be removed from office. Diminished intelligence capacity.