
My thing says it's still 216 to 207. It should be over. Arizona has 99% counted and has had for 4 days and the Republicans are ahead, the same with Iowa.
I read my talley on News Nation. It might be wrong, I don't know. I was wondering why Fox News hadn't said anything about it. We will see.
If I read all this right and he keeps pulling republican senators and house members then how is he going to retain majority in congress? The governor in each state has to appoint someone to fill the vacancies until a special election can be held, and if Trump pisses off the governor he may get some one he doesn't want in the house and the senate. This seems like he is burning a lot of political capital right off the bat. I know he has crushed the Alabama asshole consortiums dreams. The plan was in most circles that Tubberville would get a cabinet appointment and the bald headed asshole of a Lt Governor we have would get the senate seat and then Tubberville would come back and run for Governor of Alabama after he either quit ( like he has done everything else) or was run off in two years when Mee Maw's term is up or she passes out drunk and falls down and can't get up and her life alert doesn't work. I bet ole Tubby is pissed cause he got an ICU case of chapped lips kissing Trumps ass and isn't getting an appointment.
217 rep 207 communists it's getting close. I still can't see why Arizona, Iowa and Alaska can't count the votes. There ain't that many folks there. Arizona is a pile of Indians and Mexicans and Alaska doesn't have enough people living up there full time to have a poker game much less too many to vote and Iowa has more corn than people ---damn folks lets get this shit finished or we need to hire somebody else to count stuff.

Double they may not confirm Gatez. They have him under investigation by the ethics committee. That didn't take long, also the pud that pushed the case against Trump in New York quit instead of getting fired.
I'll say one thing......Trump ain't screwing around. He should be ready to go day one. He has already talked to Chi and Putin and a list of world leaders. His admin is almost there as long as they get approved. Busier than a bumble bee in a dandelion field.
It's gonna be tough that's for sure. I don't know if he will get all of his nominees approved or not. There is already a list of governors that have formed a caucus to fight Trump. I'm sure if he puts enough money in the right hands they will disband but the governors caucus has a lot of stroke. Also that Senate leader he backed I don't trust Thune. I think he voted in favor of red flag laws, I'm not sure. Gatez seems to be sure he is going to be confirmed, he has already resigned his House seat.
I just looked it up and Thune did not vote for it. The red flag laws would be left up to the States. VA. already has them. I just try to not piss off the neighbors. lol
I think Gaets put his cart in front of the horse on that decision.
And yes , I saw where some of these commy governors are trying to work something up but I don't think they can stop the Feds from doing their job. They might not work with the Feds but they cant stop them. The Feds would have a whole lot more Intel than the States could ever be privy to.
If Thune didn't vote for the red flag laws that makes me feel a little better. One of the top three did and if it wasn't Thunes it had to be either Cornyn( but he is from Texas so it doesn't seem likely) or Barrasso and he is from Wyoming so who knows. The 4th alternate was Rick Scott from Florida soooooo that may be the one I saw mentioned in the article I read. Who knows? I don't guess it matters now since Thune is it until he isn't and we have seen that happen before. Maybe the team will stay solid this time around and not get new hires every other week. I know Sessions didn't even last a whole year I don't think, not that he was worth a shit in the first place.
He reminded me of an evil Kebbler elf. He wasn't strong on 2A stuff and was actually wobbly on most everything else that was conservative. He did support Trump in the first election and that's how he got the job of AG in the first place. Sessions and Richard Shelby were both old line democrats but switched sides in the late 70's to keep getting elected. I never met Sessions but I met and saw Shelby several times at the labor day BBQ's we use to have at the hall when I worked for the Operating Engineers. He wouldn't know me if I fell out of the sky and hit him on the head but I remember him. He was ok I guess and was always nice enough. He always voted right on the 2nd amendment issues, so I give him that.
Well the democrats ran Matt Gaetz off before he started or he may have run himself off. Who knows? I think Ted Cruz would make a great AG but then again I thought Cruz would make a great president. He has good sense and is the only one in that whole damn place that has tried gun control cases in front of the SCOTUS and won all of them. JMO.
I saw that with Gaetz. He dropped out his self.
We gained another House seat. Alaska
Yeah I saw Alaska finally got counted ---all 20 of them. I never knew some states had that "pick a second choice" voting. No wonder it took them 3 weeks to count 20 votes. Sounds like a bunch of Mexican votes. You likey dis wan mo better or dis wan mo better or maybe you likey dis one almos as goood, se yes no?