
GET EM !!! This year I think I'm taking the AK/12 with the 25 round drum. I may get a bird !!
Well we went dove looking today. 4 of us. No birds flying much at all. I think its too early. About 300 yards away on the other side of a tree line...people shot most of the day. Sounded like one bird flying by and shots heard on down the line. Everybody missing I assumed. We are going to try Friday evening and see if its any better.
We are going to try Saturday. It has turned a little cooler, not much but some, maybe they will try to start feeding heavy and then again they may all pack up and move south.
Went for an evening dove hunt. No birds. One or two but no birds. Maybe they ain't got here yet.
Looks like a lot of rain for you down there Belve for doves.
It's supposed to be gone after tonight. I'm hoping the birds haven't moved out after this little front. It's gonna be in the 60's tonight and high in the 70's low 80's for a high tomorrow. Krp got here about a couple of hours ago. Phillip said there were some birds on the field this afternoon but Jacob wants to shoot Veazy's tomorrow and Phillips Sunday. Jacob asked where y'all were and if anybody was coming. He kinda wanted Traffic cone to give it another shot. I don't guess anybody has heard from Tom in the last two months have they? I kinda thought you might come but after just being down here for the gun show I figured you would shoot up there closer to home.
Saturday there were birds coming in like they were starved to death. Of course me and Krp got stuck on the back side of the big field. I wanted to go on the side we went on last time but didn't get that. Phillip got up by the barn and the power pole and everybody over on that side of the pond sounded like a young war going on. I got two birds and Krp got practice shooting his shot gun. I shot the new Browning Sweet 16 and I rally like the gun.
We went over to Phillips today and not near as many birds but I wasn't to concerned with the birds, I wanted to get Ruby into retrieving. I don't know what I am gonna do with her. She will go get the bird but she won't pick it up. She acts like she doesn't want the feathers in her mouth. We are going to work on that tomorrow. Krp got more practice shooting his shotgun.
Sounds better than up here. It's getting in the lower 40s at night here and maybe that will change things. Actually had frost warnings last night in counties close to us. I might try a couple more times.
One feller that hunted with us had his 10 month old black lab but didn't get a chance to retrieve. Well behaved dog. Would sit and wait for the owner to tell her what to do. Had no leash and was very disciplined.
Ruby just kinda wandered back and forth between me and Krp but she came when she was called so that's ok with me. Veazy had those little girls of his with him ao Ruby was really interested in what they were doing.
Po Ruby's black doggie ass was wore out. That Dawg had some time. Betwixt chasing young uns, Sucking around for people food treats being dropped, and trying to figure out the birt hunting stuff ? That Dawg was worn to a frazzle..
Belve was being kind on my shooting skills......THEY SUCKED !!!! The only way I could have been worse ? IF WAS FRIGGIN BLIND !!! But gob damp did I give it hell trying. Had that Sportsman 48 sounding like a anti-aircraft gun. Still didn't hit fart. I was afraid I'd set the forearm a fire ? switched shotguns....Used 3 different shotguns...Didn't help...Next year I'm bringing a German 88 Flak cannon.
Probably still won't hit shit.
Aint it fun.......
I might not have been able to shoot a lot of birds this year yet but at least I haven't got the chiggers yet either.
My son went dove hunting yesterday and still no birds much at all. Said he saw two. I was going to go but a charity shotgun shoot came up and I went there instead. At least I got to shoot.
We went again yesterday. Phillip called and said there were probably 200 birds on the field but it was pouring rain. We waited until about 2 and got out there after the rain but we didn't have enough people to shoot it and we couldn't keep the birds moving. They would come and light in the trees or drop down in the top of the field where there wasn't anybody to shoot. Krp got one bird and I think Phillip got two and I shot at a couple that were too far away but I shot anyway. Krp headed home this morning early.
No I didn't. That was Phillips. I just played bird dog. My count was....2 doves, one robin, 12 boxes of shells, and wore out 3 shotguns, and a sore shoulder.......Why do I do this ???
No I didn't. That was Phillips. I just played bird dog. My count was....2 doves, one robin, 12 boxes of shells, and wore out 3 shotguns, and a sore shoulder.......Why do I do this ???
Because it's so much fun. Actually the cooking and eating and shooting the bull are about as much fun as shooting. You have to have some reason for buying a new gun. I think I have found my new dove gun. I really really like this new Browning sweet 16 after I patterned it. Now if we can just get over on the right side of Vezzey's fence I could get to use it. If they cut and plow that field we were in again, I may put about 800 lbs of wheat on that and won't let anyone else except us shoot it. I wish this damn dog would go get the birds though. I miss Andi.
"Actually the cooking and eating and shooting the bull are about as much fun as shooting."

That's what its all about. The worse day dove hunting is better than a great day at work.