Weather or not.....

Cold, windy, ice, sleet, snow. Typical Mo. January day. Which is to say ? The weather sucks. Wait and see what comes next.
Might get ugly. We are on the leading edge of sleet/ freezing rain/ ice mix. fairly windy, and power lines are starting to take ice.
With some luck the wind will knock the ice off of the lines BEFORE they start dropping, or trees take them out.
Ended up with 4 to 6" So much for gloom and doom 16" .......Get this EVERY time weather moves in...OMG! OMG! OMG! IT'S GONNA SNOW 45 INCHES !!!! FREEZING RAIN !!! A SNOWNADO !!!!
We had some freezing rain, with layers of sleet, topped with snow. 17 this morning. Roads look to be crap, But I'm not going anywhere, anyways.
The ice came in first, which means the base layer on the roads is ice. Don't look like plows have been out, and if they were? just make the roads worse. The sleet and snow will give you some traction, ice ? none. Too cold for salt to work. So if they plow it off ? Which they will do ? ice rink.
Ain't got nowhere to be or anywhere to go.
Would go out and hunt some ? Barometer dropped, and I feel like I've been beat with a ball bat. Think I'll sit with the hounds and watch some caveman TV.
It's snowing in Hoover now but the temperature is 36 so it's not sticking and they don't expect it to. The temperature is supposed to drop all day today and bottom out at about 15 tonight. I'm going to the Dr tomorrow if I have to go by dogsled. I want this damn pin out.
It's snowing and sleeting here now. I HATE friggin snow. It's 32 degrees dead on it so I hope it won't stick.
Coming to a neighborhood near you ...maybe...a lovely 13 degree's here now. and I get to go cut wood !! fun city ...
snowing here.....27...didn't see a mention of it on the weather....This looks like it might get ugly...they are saying 1" ?? we've already got 2 to 3 on the ground.
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Just a bunch of ice on the ground that is melting. It's cold. It is muddy and it's wet but it's 35 degrees so it's just slop as usual Alabama winter. It's supposed to freeze again tonight.
It never froze again last night. At least not here. It stayed at or a little above freezing. They are calling for 17-20 degrees tonight so we shall see.
40 degrees, getting sloppy already. dangerous sloppy, The snow and ice is getting soft, and so is the mud. This ain't for crap. Roads are clear, Temps dropping again tonight.
Well we got 8 inches of snow but we missed it all. It was right pleasant in the Bahama's. That's one big cruise ship. A regular floating city. It's one of those things that bears "been there ..done that". We had about 20 people in our group so that did make it a lot of fun. No one ended up in the brig. They do have one on the boat.
We warmed up today to 62 degrees but it's going down to 28 tonight and stay in the 40's tomorrow. They said on the extended forecast that it will be low in the teens with highs in the 20 by next weekend. I'm still going deer hunting--with a real boot on.
Just plain ole f@#$^% up here. Got to 40 or so yesterday, everything half melted off. Dropped in to the teens with a high today of lower 20's. It's 20 now. Everything outside is iced over. Temps to go up and down , with 50 by Friday, and I've got to work Friday and Saturday. Cutting meat.
Was out today splitting and hauling in wood ? My hips are SCREAMING at me tonight. Come to think of it, Just about everything is at least moaning about today and yesterdays wood cutting festivities.
FINALLY got a saw to run right !! Of all the saws I have, Grabbed the 026 as a last resort, BOOM, After I dumped the old fuel, I worked like at champ. Got a truckload cut yesterday, hauled, split today. Also cut about 30' trunk wood, about 2' in diameter. Split it tomorrow if I can get to it.
Went into winter without a wood reserve, Been cutting almost daily. THIS SUCKS. Cutting in this shit is dangerous as hell. Just about all the wood has been red/black/water oak ? and it SUCKS for firewood. Thank God the 026 ran right, Was going to give up, Started cutting the big trunk. The 026 was throwing sawdust chips like a monster. Gave me enough traction to be able to cut on the ice/snow/sleet.
See what I can get in tomorrow without damaging myself....
Snow is not melting here. It is evaporating. But going away slowly. Its 22 degrees with a little wind-chill I am sure.
It's chilly but not cold here. It's supposed to be in the 40's and 50's until next Tuesday and then it's going back into the teens with highs in the low 30's