Things to share

Made it through Christmas. Starting to really like this lifestyle. Just me and the dogs, no drama, no bullshit, and iffn I don't wanna go nowhere ? I say no. quiet, I like it.
Then, If I get through the New Years shit show ? It'll be back to normal for awhile.
Found the secret to surviving the holidays......Vanish from sight.
We had a quiet Christmas also. Rather enjoyable. This Saturday we fly to Florida. Stay a few days. Then the Fl. group will go on a cruise to the Bahama's. I ain't getting off the boat. I don really want to go on a damn cruise. But.....I have never been on one so I can check that off my bucket list even though it was never on the list. I do like the people we are going with which is a plus. I need a break from Nina anyway. I am going crazy with all this "care giving".
Our Christmas was just like always----a rat killin. Both the girls showed up WITH their dogs. Matthew didn't come up what with buying the new house and moving I didn't blame him. We had both daughters, 3 damn dogs, going back and forth to all the kin folks, taking care of Mama and like I said a rat killing.
On top of all the excitement this morning at 7:30, I didn't even have my coffee yet, a guy showed up to sight in a rifle. Linda came running back to my computer room and said there is somebody in a white Ford riding around in our pasture down at the range, who is it? I told her, hell I don't know, fire a warning shot and see if they leave." she wouldn't do that so I went out to see who it was. In the first place it was a GMC truck not a Ford and the second place it was a guy we had sold several guns to and I had told him he could sight the gun in. I just didn't expect him to show up at 7:30 on a Monday morning.
So in summation this week is just a continuation of the giant screaming running jumping chicken fu@%$(ng it was last week----Oh I to top it all off this morning I have been on the phone with Matthew all morning about changing jobs.
I guess you played the one legged pirate with the kids. Reading that ....I think that's what you call "family". You can pick your friends but you cant pick your family.
Does Matt want to change jobs or do you want him to change jobs?
No Matthew wants to change jobs or at least consolidate. He is working 3 jobs now. One for the city of Gulf Shores, one for The Wharf, and one for a contract entertainment company playing at weddings and birthdays and stuff. He wants to leave the city if the other will pay enough.
Who cares...look at the wood on that rifle. DDDAAAMMMN.
Yeah, he's pert much spot on. What he forgot to mention, a couple of things. The 7x57 was directly responsible for the development of the 30-06. and the 7x57 was fathered by the 8x57 from 1888. All using the ,473 rim diameter. Which covers MANY cartridges. My understanding of the 800 elephants killed by Bell ? He was using a 175 grain round nose FMJ = head shot penetration.
There are several more cartridges he could have mentioned ? But who wants to do a 10 hour video.
And why do they always expound on F.P.S. and never F.P.E.
And most of the new wonder cartridges have one driving force. Sticking it in a AR-15 or a 5 pound wonder junk rifle. = lower production costs. Most standard length barrels are now at 22" and getting shorter.
Just decided I may promote a new holiday. In the spirit of New Years resolutions ? One you can surely stick to....SLAPPY NEW YEAR !!!! For the aggravating S.O.B. thats pissed you off all year long ? SLAPPY NEW YEAR ! Walk up and slap the white offn their teeth, in anticipation of the years pending aggravation.
No punching, no backhands, nut kicking, or any other offenses. Just a good ole fashioned bitch slap. With a warning that if the shit continues ? Behavior will be reviewed in 4 month increments. Then the other actions listed above may sanctioned for use.
I think it's time.
Apparently the guy on the left did slap the white off the teeth of the guy on the rights teeth. His teeth look plumb black.
I am going in today for a "procedure". They will inject me with steroids in three of my lower back vertebrate discs. It's supposed to help with pain.We will see.
Tomorrow, me and the little lady are off to Florida. We will stay a few days and go on a cruise to the bahamas. There are about 20 cousins and friends taking this cruise. I am not 100% for the cruise but what are ya gonna do? We will return a week from Monday so I will be quiet for awhile here. I understand that Va. is supposed to get some snow or ice this Sunday so at least it will be a good time to go. Krp, I think you will get some of that mess as well. Hope you got enough wood cut.
They are talking about snow here by Tuesday, the day I am supposed to be at the Dr to get this damn stick out of my foot. I don't care if we have five tornadoes, six hurricanes and an outbreak of scurvy, I'm gonna go to the Dr and get this damn thing out of my foot.
Yeah, I've heard all the gloom and doom on the weather here. OMG, OMG, OMG !!!! One idgit says 6"...Another says 16"....They don't know, and it'll be what falls.. I don't really give a shat ? Ain't got anywhere I have to be ? So I won't go anywhere in it anyway. And even if I have to ? I 've got 4WD and do know how to drive in the snow. And the farthest I have to drive is 6 miles. Go make sure vehicles are fueled up, go get TP and bread for the TP and bread sammidges everyone decides to eat when the weather gets bad.
Was helping the boss get all the vehicles ready for the coming weather event after cutting wood. Heet in the fuel tanks, fired up the generator, Everything is as good as it can get. Fuel in the fuel barrels, Bulk feed bin is full. Who friggin cares ? Get some more wood in today ? Don't care what happens.
Finally today, I got this stinking pin out of my toe. I've got stitches in my toe for another 10 days BUT I can wear a regular boot and walk without screaming MR. DILLION, MR. DILLION, COME QUICK , MISS KITTY"S DRAWERS FELL OFF !!!!! I'm tired of walking like Chester.
I got to thinking about something.......with all these wild fires destroying everything plus the hurricanes that have been this year already and last year, just how many guns have been destroyed or gone. There are probably a lot of people miserable about that. Especially with any kind of collection. That would be depressing.